COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Thanks. I’ll wait. I’m 8 months removed from my infection. Figured it was time to up the immune system.

Two people at one of my clients have pozzed.

“I’m immune”
“I’m immune”
“I’m immune”

(Only take to them via zoom so no exposure).

Covid in the house for the 2nd time since Feb 2022.

Tripled (mod) vaxxed wife pozzed this time round, double vax 12yr poz, 3yr no vax no eliblility pozz (all doing fine)

10yr (single vax) and 6yr (vaxed since ‘natural infection’) both neg.

Me (3x pfizer) testing neg for last 3 days so officially immune to covid having dodged it twice, I guess (will eat those words in a few days I’m sure).


I hope they all have mild cases and get over it quickly.

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started taking free biden/usps antigen tests at home (which were expired ~7weeks) after flying back from vacation. it was super hot, so my headache felt like an overheating cold, which i get sometimes. i took temp for a fever but it was fine.

it was negative last two days. but this morning i’m pozzed. my covid dodging streak is over. going to sleep it off hopefully.

when do i start the clock? from first symptoms two days ago, or first positive test?


Clock starts with symptoms

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UP is the last place in the country where people are actually starting the clock and quarantining, right?

Don’t get me wrong I’m all for it.


I have client personnel that are quarantining after exposure, as did a tennis buddy.

Both of clients that had it say that it is NOT a bad cold. Much worse.

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Yeah very few people have told me it’s mild. Maybe like a third of the people I know who had it.

My wife was supposed to start her new job yesterday, but the company pushed it back two weeks because our son has COVID. Apparently someone in the office has it and has been hit hard, so they didn’t want to risk my wife been an asymptomatic spreader, even if she wears a mask. She was hoping to at least go in maybe later this week (it’s mostly going to be remote, but they need her in person for onboarding) if our son’s symptoms subside and she tests negative, but the parent company makes start dates at the beginning of pay periods.

So it sucks, but on the bright side, at least her new boss/office is still taking COVID seriously.


yeah i’m going to isolate, although will get dicey if my partner pozzes too, sooner would be better. thankfully all my preplanned stuff is at least a week away, including a new job. so, as long as i take plenty of rest, it won’t affect anything else.

My wife’s case was super mild, but she was quadruple-vaxxed + took Paxlovid.

My case was super mild, triple vaxxed.

I had a lingering cough for a few weeks but otherwise was pretty not noteworthy.

And by extension they seem to give at least a slight fuck about the well-being of their employees, which is rare these days and a nice perk.

No. The wine forum I belong to is just as informed and still taking this just as seriously. And another forum I belong to as well. There are probably hundreds more out there.


Pour one out for my wife and I. dlk9s Jr infected us. We made it 2.5 years.


Good luck. Day 1 was the worst for me. The last two days have been annoying but just like having a cold. The worst part has been masking up in my own home trying to avoid giving it to my wife and kid and also trying to keep an eye on him. He’s had waaaaay to much screen time.

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Three of us have it right now. Only my daughter is left standing. Fortunately, she can fend for herself, except that she can’t drive yet. My wife and I are isolating separately, even though our timing is in sync, mainly because being stuck for five days in the bedroom together would be kind of miserable. If we were healthy, that’s a different story WINK WINK.

I’m going to have to come out of isolation at times to go to the bathroom, shower, get my youngest food, etc. Just going to mask up and try to limit exposure. The big question is what to do about my daughter’s activities. Might just have to wear a mask, crack a window, and drive her.

So far, I don’t feel too bad. Cold symptoms. Most bothersome is sinus congestion/pressure. I also didn’t sleep, so I’m tired. I don’t think my wife feels too horrible, either. My son was hit hard, but he’s slowly improving.

EDIT: Also, I think I win because my positive line was the faintest. @CaffeineNeeded I take acyclovir daily (no, not for herpes or anything - it’s just to counteract possible side effects from an eye drop) - could that possibly have helped me avoid the worst of it (so far?).

Also, I left a message with my doctor to see if I can get paxlovid, but I doubt I can.

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Don’t think so.

You should be able to get paxlovid

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My wife and I started experiencing covid symptoms 2-2.5 weeks ago and for the last week have had few symptoms except the odd coughing spasm for my wife throughout the day and me having a lot of excess phlegm, albeit a little less each day.
Last night after we had sushi from the same place we’ve had it dozens of times she starting have an extreme coughing spasm for 2 hours and found it hard to breathe for about 4 hours. I had no symptoms at all, could this have been covid related and is it unheard of?