COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I think I’ve (probably?) avoided it through a combination of ongoing basic precautions, being 4x vaxed, general tendency to not get sick very often, and a bit of run-good.

I finally got it last month, but my wife has managed to fade it once again. Our daughter has had it 2x so far. I was feeling kind of invincible until I finally got pozzed, so beware everybody that feels that way! (I also didn’t have a 2nd booster while my wife and daughter were both recently boostered. That may have helped them fade catching it from me.)

Aren’t at least 10% of any population immune to each disease? Early ebola had a 90% mortality rate with the other 10% having no symptoms, figured there was something innate in populations that made it so people were immune to things so a disease wouldn’t wipe out the whole pack.

I’m not sure if someone who was naturally immune to OG covid would also be immune to ba.5 covid.

No, but I think I know what you are getting at. Here’s an article that kind of goes into what you might be thinking about:

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Ugh. Just got 4th jab yesterday. The last 3 were fine. Shrugged them off. This time my arm is SORE.

I mean. It’s better than covid*. But fucking hell.

*due to two large work events last week. I may also have covid… but let’s wait and see.

It’s pretty plausible that there are a small number of people out there with one or more key ACE2 mutations, but it’s unlikely that there’s been enough selective pressure that this would be in more than 1% of some specific regional population.

Yeah, I’ll buy that.

If sore arm is all you get, you’re getting off light, imo.

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I’ve wondered this a lot about myself. I got my first doses in March 2021 and my booster in November of last year. My wife worked directly with Covid people for all of Covid. Since we got vaxed we have traveled as normal with maybe 3-4 of the last 18 months away from home. This year we have rarely masked except when required. We have spent extensive amounts of times on planes, in hotels and casinos and traveling in general. As near as we can tell neither of us have gotten it.

It doesn’t make sense to me either.

I think that Jesus is choosing some of us to never get Covid.


Finally got me. Stopped wearing my mask at work like two weeks ago once my son got vaxxed. Didn’t take long at all.

Feel fine. Scratchy throat and runny nose but nothing else


I haven’t gotten it yet. I work in person, but I wouldln’t call my life normal. Very little person to person contact outside of work and family these past 2.5 years. I’m the last one at my workplace still masking.

My four-person household avoided it until dlk9s jr last week. I work from home, though, and my wife has worked from home since the start of COVID. Kids did the entire 2020-2021 school year virtually, went back last school year. My daughter has done sports and social stuff pretty consistently for quite some time. Other than vacation, my wife and I haven’t done a ton around lots of strangers, aside from regular errands.

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that my son caught COVID the first week of school. Ok, just a got a text from him in quarantine that he wants soup.

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I also had zero side effects for first three, got my 4th on Friday and had a sore arm, some mild joint aches and was oddly exhausted the next day. But still next to nothing.

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Someone I work with just got back from a European vacation. He and his husband picked up COVID somewhere along the way and spent the last three days in a hotel room in Rome praying for merciful death.

Another anecdote for the “it’s only a mild cold” crowd.

Are 4th shots available for anyone yet?

Technically, not for me. But Vax centers are kinda doing it on the down low to use instead of chucking them out.

I think I can at age 57. At this point I’m holding out for the bivalent vax this fall.

Yup, getting it on Saturday.

Updated boosters are coming soon, see this post.