COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

If an instant test says to wait 15 minutes, but the faintest of lines shows up after about 45 minutes does that mean you may have some residual covid, but not enough to test positive?

I wouldn’t worry about it tbh. I would maybe worry if it showed up at 18 or 22 minutes or something, but 45, no way… I would do a 2nd test though if you haven’t.

Interested to see what a triple vaxxed cohort would look like for this study.

This happened to one of mine. I assumed it was material from the “control” side migrating where it shouldn’t after being soggy so long. No idea if that’s remotely possible, but it was the half-assed explanation that made me feel better.

All the tests I have seen had instructions to disregard any results showing after the waiting period of 10-15 minutes.

Welp, we finally got our first positive test in our household. dlk9s jr

He started feeling sick last night. Sore throat. This morning it was worse with some other cold/flu symptoms. He was unhappy about starting school, so now he gets his wish and gets to stay home for a few days.

Of course, he coughed on me while I was administering the test.


You people are really trying to ruin my “I’m immune” fantasy with all these first time pozzes. Knock it off.


Was only a matter of time. Lol antivaxxers now and forever.

Oh yeah, thats not horrifying

Hundreds? Holy shit.

I mean, we have a vaccine that is literally 100 percent fucking effective. It’s more effective than the damn measles vaccine.

Pretty sure you’re supposed to re-up after 10 years though if you’re going to be exposed, which is to say all adults are susceptible because of these anti-vaxxers.

I didn’t realize there were that many unvaccinated people in NYC. What a stupid and tragic timeline we live in.

My daughter’s pediatrician called this shit like 5 years ago when we had that measles outbreak. He was like “we are absolutely going to see polio outbreaks in the next few years.”

What are the chances we see campaigns to give adults boosters? This shit is ridiculous.

Source on this?

The CDC recommends consideration of a lifetime booster for adults who were fully vaccinated if they are traveling to a country where polio is spreading, work in a lab with the virus, or are healthcare workers treating polio patients.

It sounds to me like we have no idea how long the vaccines last because we haven’t had an environment in which to find out.

But now the United States is, at least in these two counties, a country where polio is spreading.

Beyond the generic antivax stuff that has been worsening for the last 20 years, there’s a couple very conservative Jewish populations that have stopped vaccination and it’s super annoying. That’s why Rockland county is an issue too

serious q. my mom was a major anti vaxxer - I think I probably got the polio stuff very early when she was less insane, but the modern stuff almost certainly no. do i just go in the doctor and tell him my mom was nuts and I likely have almost nothing and they give it to me, or like what do they do? I couldn’t tell them confidently one way or the other at all.