COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Just saw the obesity. In that case I’d probably take it. But do this first:

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That would suck, but would also make sense. I’ll try to keep track of where I am and what I’ve been around if it happens again.

Thanks all. The dr gave me an rx but also seemed to not be concerned at all with my prognosis based on vitals, symptoms, and vax status. Basically was like “sure you can take it if you want but you’ll most likely be feeling better in a day or two anyway” so i guess ill pick it up and give it a whirl lol.

Incidentally, i was last weighed in mid june and came in at my highest weight ever which really scared me so I made some changes to my diet(not nearly perfect but huge improvement in choices overall and less daily calories as well as trying not to eat past 6 or 7) and some moderate consistent exercise and i weighed in 13 lbs less today, so that was a win. The hard part now is covid has flipped the turbo switch on my hunger.

Thx for the advice and letting me ramble


More spoiled millenials IMO, when I went to university we didn’t get vaccines handed out to us like they were candy. Does Joe Biden have a Spoiled Millenials Crisis? I’m not sure but we’re going to interview 8 Republicans to find out.


My mom is recovering from Covid and sounds terrible and coughing and still testing positive but her work says she has to come back because it’s been x amount of days. She is a nurse that works with older vulnerable patients. It’s mind boggling to me.

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This should should be fucking illegal. Please support her to tell them to get fucked.

I would seriously consider going to the local news media over that one.

I mean…. it’s awful but these are the guidelines given by our top public health officials.

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My advice would be to have her say that she absolutely will return to work, but to cover her personal liability she needs to see in writing that they acknowledge that she is currently ill with a symptomatic COVID-19 infection.

Obviously they won’t do that, but there is some chance they say come back next week.

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It’s major hospital protocol after 10 days or whatver you go back. It’s well known. It just seems bad they made up a certain number of days system. I guess people can keep testing positive so they have to make some number up.

Yeah I don’t have any beef with the 10 days number (well, I do), but the issue I see is that your mom is currently ill. If her symptoms were gone and she was feeling well, go nuts. Requiring someone to work when ill seems no gouda. Now, I’m sure they have their legal bases covered so it would only be a bluff, and there could well be reasons why she wouldn’t want to do that. But, I stand by the assertion that requiring an employee to report to work when knowingly ill (especially when directly interfacing with vulnerable populations) is plain wrong. That the illness is a once in a century plague that culls the vulnerable is just icing on the garbo cake. It would still be ethically wrong were it any other contagious illness.

But Greta blahblahblah we all know this get rekt, etc.

I’d be careful doing that. In Normalville, WeDontSuck, USA, that’s a great line. The SM feed on a story like that in the redder states wou;d be filled w disrespectful names for her and calling for her dismissal.

I’d guess 1/100 indoors wears a mask in the dirty south. I haven’t seen a news story or a post about it in ages.

No massive death wave, but higher than six weeks ago, cruising along at a 150k a year pace with hospitalizations on the rise again. ICU still not too bad. Case numbers not even worth following any more just garbage data at this point.

Biggest current issue is just we never really get to low spread now. MA wastewater data not really showing surging, but we just sit at like delta surge levels and have for five months with a couple spikes in there. Means we never really get a recovery period for the healthcare system and suggests reinfection will be an ongoing issue. The real doom fest Ba whatever strain death waves haven’t materialized though and haven’t been as bad as in some other countries, that’s good.

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Think that’s probably because everyone here got delta

Can’t get surprised by a rogue wave if you take ‘em all broadside.


The leaked drafts for a new Infection Protection Act in Germany worry me. Apparently you aren’t considered vaxxed, boostered or whatever if your last vaccination is older than 3 month. I got 3 shots because I believed it was the right choice but having to get another shot every 3 month makes me nervous. The goalposts of the vaccination effects shifted a lot over the 2 years. Simply said: It went from “it protects against Covid” to “well at least you wont die if you get it”.
I also have no idea what other countries besides Chinas zero covid do at the moment. The derposphere on twitter writes that Germany is the only country that tries to combat the Virus with ineffective measures.

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Yep the story here is that we’re going to have a sad number of excess deaths unless/until more people get vaxxed and boosted, but that’s a them problem ultimately. The other story is whatever comes of long covid, and my current feeling is that it’s going to end up being pretty bad, but hopefully I’m wrong.

Eventually, vaccines will likely make this much less of a risk for people who use them. Looks like we may be able to get mRNA boosters and nasal vaccines/boosters at some point, which may be the 1-2 punch for death and infection.

But yeah imo everyone subjecting themselves to 2, 3, 4, etc infections is signing up to be a guinea pig in a massive human trial on the long term effects of covid and the early data shows some increased risks.

What does that mean for your day to day life? I assume nobody is getting a shot every three months so I’m guessing it means you may be subjected to mask mandates in the interim?

Well I have to wear a mask at work anyway. I work in healthcare so once I leave my office its mask up. Of course its relaxed at the moment. We are testing twice a week. I also have to wear a mask when using public transport. I dont have a problem with the mask but its a hassle and I know too many who are sick of it.

I booked a holiday for November and if they decide my vaccination certificate isnt valid anymore it could mean more trouble. How many countries even see a 4th vaccination as a must have yet somehow Germany can decide it and make my certificate invalid?

For me it also seems that our secretary of health has no other topic. Covid is the only thing he speaks about. It seems he doesnt work on any other issue and our health care sector has issues. Unfortunately he was an aid to the secretary of health when they overhauled the whole sector with a lot of input from him and everything got much more profit-seeking so he would have to acknowledge that he made mistakes. But his past indicates that isnt his character.