COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Consider that the clinical testing was completed prior to BA.4 and BA.5, and showed a rebound < 1 percent, and we now know it greatly exceeds 1 percent with these newer variants, should we worry that it may not protect against poor outcomes with BA.4 and BA.5?

So Iā€™m mostly over my rebound case. I did not get a second course of Paxlovid. I never had fever or some of the worse symptoms from the first case, but the congestion/runny nose was much worse in the rebound case. Iā€™m also still completely exhausted, where as when I got over the first case when I was taking Paxlovid, I bounced back to 100 percent energy levels within 5 days. After this rebound, Iā€™m sleeping 10 to 12 hours every night and still exhausted all day.


Good question, above my pay grade. For starters I think we should just advise everyone on Paxlovoid rapid test for an extended period (21 days?) and be prepared to isolate.

Iā€™m very curious how well structured that study was. Did it skew young and healthy or skew recently boosted or have a small sample size?

I guess if not BA.4/BA.5 are to blame for the rebound rate and it stands to reason itā€™s offering less protection from them but that could be by a small margin. I mean, it still seems to clear the virus to get a negative test in a few days so itā€™s working to some degree.

But I recall hearing about rebounds right away, in numbers that made 1% seem unlikely.

I wonder if they used tests that required it to register at a certain level to trigger a positive and the widely used tests are more sensitive? Thatā€™d make some sense.

My recollection is that there is nothing about BA4 or BA5 that should have any effect on Paxlovidā€™s mechanism of action. I think the course is just too short.

My take on paxlovid rebound is that it probably isnā€™t a full rebound, like graph C in this tweet, which supports that we probably need a few more days on paxlovid.


So this is the third time in the last month Iā€™ve gotten the same cough - not severe but not mild either. Itā€™s fairly infrequent, but itā€™ll come and go in spurts for like 5 minutes. It almost feels like I have a pill or something stuck in my throat. Every time Iā€™ve tested negative repeatedly. Havenā€™t had a chance to test yet this time, but will tonight or tomorrow.

I figure itā€™s either exposure and my booster kicking into gear and preventing infection, or itā€™s some change in the allergens in the area this year. Weird, though, whatever it is.

Would people be just as infectious during a rebound phase (with a positive test) as during the initial phase?

Probably not. Also probably depends on whether itā€™s a C or D.

Perhaps you have developed a new allergy? I had the same experience 2 summers ago. I went through 3 rounds of antibiotics over 6 weeks in the summer before switching physicians and Singular (sp) cleared it right up.

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Covid deaths being down 90 percent is definitely 4 Pinocchioā€™s bad.

nah because itā€™s true in a certain frame of reference

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Which Frame? Picking the single worst day for deaths against the single best day?


I have loosely followed this thread and done some googling but just lookong for some confirmation here from the thread. Just tested positive for the first time ever. Had mild symptoms yesterday and today, though they have slightly worsened since i woke up.

Iā€™m Vaxxed and boosted, should I still try and get some paxlovid? Any other advice besides the normal quarantine stuff?


Should have included i am 42 yrs old but i believe technically obese at 275 lbs

Well Iā€™m 50+ and have diabetes, so it was indicated for me. Do you have any risk factors? Itā€™s probably best to call your doctor, in any case.

Edit: I would say maybe yes? IDK if obesity is considered a risk factor in all age groups, but it might be.

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If youā€™re vaxxed, boosted, not old, and healthy, then Iā€™d skip it. But thatā€™s just me.

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You should talk to a doctor for sure

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