COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

That’s assuming everyone that got the other shots get the booster. There’s probably a large percentage of double or triple vaxxed that won’t get this one.

I was planning on getting myself a 3rd booster about 6 months after the second, but I think I’m going to hold off for now. I’ve gotten two boosters and had COVID. If I hadn’t had COVID, I’d probably do it (but maybe not). But now I’ll just wait for the new vax.

Where is everyone at now?

Have you tested positive for COVID?
  • No, and I’ve never had any symptoms of it.
  • No, but I think there’s a reasonable chance I had it.
  • Yes, pozzed on any type of test (including home kits).
  • Yes, on at least two separate occasions.

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I still am able to walk the dog on a remote trail for an hour so I should be fine, my wife probably couldn’t have walked for 5 minutes on Monday through Wednesday

When 2nd boosters became available for people under 65 I figured it would be hard to get one in Toronto. I called up the local pharmacy 3 days after I was allowed to book and they said they could do whatever time I wanted that same day.

I think most people have moved on and supply chains are set up very efficiently now that it won’t be an issue.

I booked through the provincial website for my first booster back in December, it took an hour to get into the site and every clinic had one or two slots available that were always taken by the time you went to grab them. This time around, no waiting and everything was wide open.

Not great, Bob.


For better or worse, there wont be tons of uptake.

One big risk of waiting is that we might surge before boosters and the winter surge might not even be helped by the booster specific vs. OG update. Last year at this time Delta was the issue, Omicron was a totally separate lineage (closer to son of Alpha IIRC)

IDK it seems like everybody I know IRL and communicate with online is waiting on the updated booster. I think there will be a big initial surge. I also don’t think any variant will bump BA.5 until there is significant immunity to it. (Prolly wishful thinking, but how much more contagious can this thing get?)

next step after airborne transmission is telepathic transmission

This cracks me up:

Wow, you think?


Big brain thought.

Yeah, our experience with our summer 2022 boosters was so easy. We booked our shots, then oh no something came up a couple of days before, but the oh wait if I go on the site I can cancel my appointment that’s just a few days away and rebook for later that day.

This community also had massive interest as a whole in the U5 vax and, to a lesser extent, older kids boosters too. General uptake like sub 5%. I dont think our groups are representative samples. That said, demand probably geographically concentrated so maybe some strain initially.

They can also assess it when they release. If they figure out logistics are an issue they’ll just put it on allocation and just delay the general pop eligibility. The mindset of the government at this point is that COVID is just a nuisance illness for all but the most vulnerable and not a lot of triple vaxxed under 80s having bad acute outcomes.

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A lot of normies aren’t paying attention, but will get a booster when Fauci (or his replacement) is on TV every night saying hey get this booster it’s pretty great against the new variants.

Biden has COVID again. Lol Paxlovid.

Question for the experts: At what point does the company change it’s application to the FDA to recommend a longer course? Is this years worth of additional trials, or can it be done sooner?

All this is completely unnecessary. Docs could prescribe it for a longer course off-label if they had good reason (i.e. evidence) to do so. I guess technically they don’t even really need a good reason.

There may be some concerns about doing this related to scarcity of the drug, though.

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Pfizer is going strong with rebound cases being found in both their trial participants who took Paxlovid and those who took a placebo, thus nothing to see here.

what;s the lol? the point of paxlovid is to keep severe symptoms from developing.

Yeah that’s fair. Also supposed to have a very low rebound rate. Guess lol Pfizer would have been a better way to put it.

Pretty clear that Paxlovid use should come with either strict testing recs or an extended isolation period closer to 21 days then the current 5. So maybe lol CDC since Biden’s case illustrates how much spread the CDC current guidance is facilitating.