COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I’ve never had a pt complain about being intubated (because they are dead)

Super stumped here. Have not heard about any colds going around but im on day 2.5 of sore throat, dry cough, slight fever and aches, 2nd home test came back negative. Am I testing too early or do I have something else?

Fever and aches make it sound more like flu than a cold, but you might take one more test tomorrow if you’re curious if it’s the rona. You should isolate regardless of the outcome, so if you don’t want to burn the test, no big deal either.

I had the first symptoms (sore throat, slight cough) start on a Thursday and didn’t test positive until Monday. Test for a few more days imo and assume you have it for now as far as preventing spread goes.

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This means federal officials will not expand eligibility for second booster shots of existing vaccines.

The big picture: At the moment, only people age 50 and older and those over 12 who are immunocompromised are eligible for a second booster.

Boooooooooooooo. I mean I kinda get it for a new formula that might be in limited supply but I wouldn’t be depriving anyone of a vaccine if I got a second booster right now.

I don’t read that sentence e the same way you do. They are talking about the current situation, meaning right now. I think they’re going to offer the upgraded shot to everyone in September.


From the NYTimes article linked to in that article, it says they are waiting for the updated booster because Pfizer and Moderna promised millions of doses by mid-September. They expect all adults to be eligible and they don’t want people getting and older booster in August and an updated one in September because of concerns that two doses so close together will make the second one ineffective and has some risk of heart issues.

It sounds like they would open up current boosters if the updated one was going to take more time or be in short supply.


My parents, double boosted but in their 70s, just tested positive and are having mild symptoms. Any reason for them not to take Paxlovid?

If they’re having mild symptoms I think I would just ride it out.

I’d go for it. Better safe than sorry and I haven’t seen much in the way of downside.

Best I can tell the rebound is just your immune system mopping up after the meds gave the body time to get fully armed.

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When is the time for paxlovid? When you are having difficulty breathing?

Wouldn’t it be smart to have people without a 2nd booster get it now, and then wait 5 or 6 months for the update while the crush is on for the new boosters? Maybe that would be too difficult to manage. But otherwise my guess is that they don’t open 2nd boosters to people not currently eligible until they get through the wave of boosters with the new one in Sep through Nov/Dec. Which means we are asking a lot of people to go 12 months without a booster. Seems bad.

The time for Paxlovid is when you first have symptoms.

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My wife had a high fever late Sunday night and spoke to the family doctor Tuesday morning who said to just rest up and if things got worse to go to the hospital. I told her twice to ask about Paxlovid, but she ignored me.
She’s feeling better while I am feeling worse. Day 4 of symptoms for me and I’m at my worst, while day 2 was her worst and now she’s doing well on day 5.
I’m not doing badly overall as I think I’m currently better than any day my wife had except today.

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They say within 5 days of symptoms/positive test (IIRC) but the earlier the better. Do you have an 02 meter? Keep an eye on temp and 02.

Mild symptoms can become not mild symptoms quickly, and by then it may be too late. They should take Paxlovid.

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This seems to be a matter of dispute within the Biden administration. Dr. Fauci is on your side, the FDA and CDC are on the side of the course that seems to have been chosen.

One of the motivations seems to be that a fall campaign for an updated booster would hopefully better combat a winter surge.

I also think they don’t expect there to be a crush for new boosters because Modern and Pfizer have determined they can deliver millions of doses by mid-September. It sounds like the FDA was leaning towards not waiting for updated boosters when the timetable was more like October.

The choice seems to be get a less effective booster now, or wait 6-8 weeks to get a more effective booster. There are probably pluses and minuses to both approaches and my guess is that it’s close enough that either way seems reasonable.

I’ll believe this shit actually becomes available in September when I see it. Based on the track record so far it will probably be more like November or December. Maybe the FDA will schedule an ACIP meeting in September, but who knows, there are vacation schedules to juggle!


Also, “millions of doses available” and enough doses AND the resources to efficiently distribute them are two entirely different things. I doubt we are going back to the days of the National Guard running vaxx camp at the local sports stadiums. It’s going to take 6 months just to dose the currently eligible people with the new booster IMO.