COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Yeah something changing seems most likely because it is flat out not one percent now.

I’m not getting Paxlovid if I get COVID at this point even though I’m arguably above average risk.

Throat swab then nasal swab then anal swab.
Learned the hard way that is the correct order.


Fevers in general make me urinate a lot unless I’m constantly sweating it out. Also, resting makes me urinate a lot so it could be related to the symptoms and not the disease.

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Seems like doctors should just be able to prescribe a second 5 day course? I really wonder why they didn’t design this as a 10 day course like we have with most antibiotics.

I read that it’s uncommon to get a second course with a rebound case. Fauci got one, but in general, no you cannot get one as far as I know.

The fact that Fauci got one tells you all you need to know about what they should be doing.

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Can’t hurt to ask.

When my first course was prescribed, I got a text from the pharmacy saying that they needed to talk to my doctor before filling it. Not sure if that is standard or just an anomaly with my script. But I called my Doctor and a couple of hours later I got the text that it was filled. I’ll have to ask her about that when I talk to her tomorrow.

They probably just wanted to confirm you would hold your statin

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I’ve been there north of 10 times now, and can confirm NG tubes are in a class of their own on the not fun scale. My obstructions are also likely from scar tissue from a bowel resection, but luckily 4-7 days with an NG tube has resolved the issue every time so far. Glad you avoided further surgery as well.

They are intensely excruciating when being placed. They intensely suck when in for several days as eventually your throat gets so raw from the tube that swallowing is very painful. I usually can’t talk after a day or two. And they are intensely painful coming out. Yea, they suck. And I have quite a bit of sucky medical procedures to compare them to.

That being said, intubation seems wayyy worse. Maybe just cause you’re likely in really bad shape if thats needed, but thats not something I ever want to experience.


When I intubate you, you’re sedated to heavens, given meds that make you forget things, and then paralyze you. The moment after I intubate you, you get a big dose of fentanyl and then a drip.

The shitty thing is that ng tubes really don’t even have good evidence behind them most of the time. It’s dogma for surgeons though

Guess I’m slow to note that I got my girls Moderna #2 last Friday. We were actually DENIED on the day before, as they apparently had run out. That’s a good thing in the abstract but a nuisance for us. So, countdown to 8/5 until “full” protection against the virus from 2 and a half years ago. Man was I a @SweetSummerChild for thinking we could get boosters against new variants inside of a year’s time.


Looks like I’ll be able to get a 2nd boost in Prague.

Technically, they’re only open to people 60 and older without doctor’s reference. But I guess not a whole lot of people are getting a second boost so they’re open to vaccinating people 18-59 on the down low so they don’t have to chuck out vaccines.

That leads me to my next question. How hard and fast is the “wait 3 months after previous infection to get a booster shot” rule? If I have to wait 3 months after the infection resolved, I’d have another week and a half to wait until I got it.

Tested positive this morning despite being asymptomatic. Wife has been coughing up a storm so I wonder if it detected the covid in the particles I was breathing in as I wasn’t distancing myself from her.


Probably not. GL though.

I’m also 11 days removed from the 2nd booster and had fever and cough 4 weeks ago, but was always testing negative. We met the same people at a work trip and spent 23/24 hours a day together for 4 days so I’m not sure if she infected me the last 3 days and I will feel symptoms or we both got infected last Thursday/Friday and I am not feeling anything due to booster/previous illness.

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It’s just super unlikely that a rapid test would detect viral particles in your nose without an active infection. I think, I do not know, that the concentration the rapid test can detect and viral transfer concentration are several orders of magnitude different.


With the most recent variants plus everything completely opened up and lol masking, etc., by far the Occam’s Razor explanation for anyone exhibiting symptoms or testing positive is that they have contracted Super Mega COVID. It seems to be taking down anyone that engages with other humans in a social setting (so, as an actuary, I am quite safe, but normal people are basically getting it left right and center).


Researchers at the Francis Crick Institute in London have discovered that a specific area of the spike protein of Sars-CoV-2 – the virus that causes Covid-19 – is a good target for a pan-coronavirus jab that could offer protection against all the Covid-19 variants and common colds. George Kassiotis, corresponding author and principal group leader at the Francis Crick Institute, said: “The expectation for a vaccine that targets the S2 area is that it could offer some protection against all current, as well as future, coronaviruses.

SARS-CoV-2 S2–targeted vaccination elicits broadly neutralizing antibodies

These data establish the protective value of an S2-targeting vaccine and support the notion that S2 vaccination may better prepare the immune system to respond to the changing nature of the S1 subunit in SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern, as well as to future coronavirus zoonoses.


Stay tuned for when this vaccine is approved sometime during the summer of 2045.

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