COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I tested positive early last Monday, got on Paxlovid, felt better by Thursday, 100 percent by Saturday, and tested negative 2x yesterday, so day 8 I guess. Now just keeping a lookout for Paxlovid rebound.

BIL and SIL both tested negative for several days before finally testing positive. I tested positive within hours of first symptoms.

Yeah also, anecdotally IRL and from twitter, seems like positive tests coming up later on average so definitely more of a trust the symptoms more than the test situation for me now with respiratory illnesses. Im assuming they are COVID for purposes of me spreading shit to otheres and acting accordingly.

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What is folks experience with the swabbing when feeling sick

Throat vs nose vs both?

Both for me.

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I was doing just nasal, but being very, very thorough.


Anybody hear of more frequent urination as a Covid symptom? Im on day two of feeling generally like crap. Dry cough. Fuzzy head. Sore throat. Tested with an at home test this morning, negative, but seeing a lot of people in here saying that they didnt test positive until 3-5 days into symptoms now.

Anyway, my frequency has been off the charts today. At least ten times since this morning. Curious if its a possible symptom

The weirdest thing for me is Iā€™ve caught more colds in the last year or two than ever before, but I keep testing negative every time. Iā€™ve been convinced Iā€™ve had covid a few times, but the tests keep saying otherwise.

Same here. At least thrice. Feels like this might be the real thing though

Well who knows, but since youā€™ve already tested negative with symptoms itā€™s most likely you donā€™t have itā€¦

I didnā€™t have any issues with urination, but both times have caused major diarrhea and digestion system issues. In fact it is still occurring with my current case. I have a history of bowel obstructions. I wonā€™t ever take anything like imodium again as that led to my last hospitalization. I shall hydrate and let it run itā€™s course.

Just curious, what about the Imodium led to the hospitalization? Seems like a pretty drastic outcome

I think I had the obstruction and didnā€™t know it. Immodium dried me out and basically plugged me. Fortunately my treatment in both cases was basically an IV and morphine and let my obstruction pass. Both times involved a week in the hospital No surgery was needed. I didnā€™t have to have an NG tube which my nurse friend tells me is no fun at all. The root cause apparently is scar tissue from Liver Surgery when I was a kid. I had a liver abscess and Kawasaki disease and nearly died oh about 40 years ago now.

This afternoon I started getting a post nasal drip, sneezed a couple of times, and pressure started building in my head. I think I have a Paxlovid rebound. Tested positive with the fattest and quickest T line Iā€™ve seen.

They are so full of shit with a less than 1 percent incidence rate for a rebound. Itā€™s happening to everybody.

Ahhh yikes. I had to google NG tube and Kawasaki disease, well hopefully your digestive issues clear up soon, sounds like youā€™ve been through some stuff

Ng tubes arenā€™t complicated, but Iā€™ve seen them rated the most painful procedure over intubation and central lines

Oh there is absolutely no chance it is one percent.

All I can guess is that the studies which showed less than 1 percent were done prior to B4/B5 and these new variants are too strong for a 5 day course?

Are you drinking massive amounts of iced tea?

