COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

ha, substantial, but its the world we live in now.

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So far this approach has worked for me, despite two unmasked poker sessions (a workshop with ~10 people, and the ft which was substantially more risky).

Obviously there’s some rungood in the two risky sessions, but strict N95/KN95 adherence indoors and in crowds outdoors seems to cut the risk a ton.

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Same here for avoiding it via rigid mask wearing and rungood. Been on a several fights, attended 2 very large indoor conferences and a few baseball games. Only ate indoors once but was at a bar and no one was near me other than the masked bartender. Anecdotally, seems like these reasonable precautions go a long way.

That paragraph is talking about testing for amyloids in dead people. Maybe “diagnostic” is the wrong word there, idk.

I mean when I ran that poll a little while back 70% of people ITT hadn’t had it, so really your anecdotal evidence there is zero.

My friend went to Disney World right before flying out of the states and developed symptoms on arrival home. IDK if he was masked or not but going and standing in lines gotta be bad. People scream on rides too. Gotta be one of the worst places to go for spread.

I’ve eaten snacks and drank (chugged) water indoors, including on flights. I take a deep breath, pull down the mask, chug or put the food in (works best with like granola or fig bars or nuts you can shovel in), then pull the mask back up. If possible I exhale into the mask to force out as much air as possible before breathing in.

On the plane I wait until we’re at cruising altitude so I know the HEPA filters are in use.

Not trying to parade rain and I hope y’all have a great time. My sister in law and family are huge Disney people and have taken a few trips “post pandemic”. Last one was a couple weeks ago and they ended up driving back to NY after pozzing. Hope for the best prepare for the worst, glhf.

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There’s a ton of variance, though. I dodged getting an infection after sitting across the table from a guy who tested positive the next day (PCR negative and asymptomatic), and at least some people think I got sick through a KF94 rather than through my kids. And we have many examples both in the scientific literature and in this thread where people in the same household may or may not catch it from one another, with varying levels of precautions.

It’s tough, because any single lapse could be the lapse that causes an infection. The good news is that you’re a big dog to have severe effects thanks to vaccination.

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Yeah I mean my process is basically to still take all the precautions possible and only let down when there’s significant upside to taking the risk. Usually that ends up being professional settings, because most social stuff can be done outside or with people taking similar precautions in the 7-10 days leading in.

That’s the plan until we get Omicron boosters, then we’ll re-evaluate again.

Ideally this and a little rungood keeps us COVID-free, but worst case we’re catching it way less often than most and minimizing long-term risks.

Yup, or a mask that’s a dud, or one that doesn’t quite seal right. So many variables.

This round of Covid is being annoyingly persistent. I still have a cough/mucus 10 days later. Round 1 was not this long at all. My taste is still off a bit also (and still have minimal sense of smell from round 1). Hopefully this gift that keeps on giving ends soon.

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Anecdotally most of my friends/family that got it this round seem to be testing positive on the rapid test for 8-12 days so think this one might just linger a bit longer. Got into my house but knock on wood seems like no household transmission despite fairly minimal precautions.

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Also had mucus for 13 days or so, light cough on day 15. Positive day 10, neg Day 14.

this round was definitely worse for me too, first time i had 1 day fatigue 7 day cough this time i had the same except the addition of a 3 day painful sore throat which was awful

Wife and I went to a spectacular company outing through my work I was invited to for winning an award in Quebec City for 4 days. We kayaked for a couple hours on the Saturday and felt fine after. She felt feverish late Sunday night after flying home and had a fever of 102. There were about 800 people there all mingling and maskless. She tested positive just now and I feel fine, but I felt sick 3-4 weeks ago while she was in Paris through her work event and also got a booster 10 days ago where as she has been about 7 months from her 1st booster. (They just let us get 2nd boosters 12 days ago)

I did not hear a single cough the entire time I was there.

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Near-term future is just probably we all have to deal with 10-20 days of this a year until we get better vaccines.

I received my initial 2 Pfizer’s and a Moderna booster about a year ago. What should I try for round 4? Ty

Got pozzed a second time last week. Feels about the same for me this time, maybe not quite as bad. I felt sick for 3 days before testing positive, which seems odd.

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That was my experience in May, and anecdotally I’ve heard the same from many others.

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