COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

100% this. Covid omicron R0 is some crazy shit. Kids will get covid regardless and get ‘imprinted’ (if that’s actually relevant). Worrying about this is only valid if you think you can dodge covid unvaccinated, which, lol if you live in the states or most places.


im fully vaxxed and have given up any notion that I’ll never get it.

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i wish when people made statements like this someone would let them know how many people it killed

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Authorities in southern China have apologised for breaking into the homes of people who had been taken to a quarantine hotel, in the latest example of heavy-handed virus-prevention measures that have sparked a rare public backlash.

84 homes in an apartment complex in Guangzhou city’s Liwan district had been opened in an effort to find any “close contacts” hiding inside and to disinfect the premises.

The Liwan district government apologised on Monday for such “oversimplified and violent” behaviour, the paper said. An investigation has been launched and “relevant people” will be severely punished, it said.

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Now you know what it’s like to wear a mask in Florida and Texas, China! hah!


Covid cases in Japan are going vertical again despite high vaccination numbers and everyone still making through the brutal summer heat.

I survived WI. But not MI. My uncle brought covid (we didnt realize he had it since last time he had covid he nearly died due to having a lung transplant) to our family cabin. He came to the cabin sick without telling anyone. Dropped my gf of Sunday in Detroit at airport since she had to work. Swung by friends in Kalamazoo for the night. Woke up monday feeling like crap. What do I do? Drive mostly straight back home to Vegas. I am home now and possed on a home test. Gf still testing negative but she just had it after easter. She has some sniffles. So gonna isolate at home for most of rest of my vacation. Sick if this shit. Dad, brother, sister in law, niece, and myself so far.


This twitter thread answers the question: what if you didn’t give up?

A private school works hard to prevent covid.


Reminds me of the analysis I did back in March 2020 about ventilation, and trying to determine what percentage of the air you’re breathing has been in another person’s lungs in various different settings. Using a CO2 monitor is a clever way to see this in real-time.

If we had only focused on ventilation and outdoor spaces as much as possible from the very beginning, we could have saved untold lives throughout this whole thing. Instead we spent 2020 arguing about whether COVID was real, whether it was going to “come back,” and whether we should “go herd.” We should have been strongly advocating for outdoor heated dining spaces and upgrading ventilation systems in preparation for the winter.

A real shame.


I wasn’t at unstuck in March 2020. I had read “The Great Influenza” so I remembered the mistakes of 1918, and what worked. I remember seeing pictures on twitter from 1918 around S.F. They showed every normal activity taking place outdoors and masked. Courts, barber shops, everything.

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According to Downton Abbey nobody wore masks and that shit was over in one weekend. I choose to believe Downton Abbey.

baby got the first vaccine in

(also is hilariously tall, almost a std dev above 99%tile in height)


Did you make an appointment with their Ped or just walk in somewhere? I’d like to get it for my 19mo

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Looks like you’ll be able to make a GK out of her.

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Got it through my pediatrician at her normal 6mo visit. Most pharmacies won’t give it that young for stupid reasons.

Also tried to make me wait for 15 minutes in the waiting room and I just noped out of there.


I’m not disputing your claim or looking to argue but there is a reason “school shootings” resonate more than other mass shootings. Are parents who have chosen not to vaxx their children hiding the reason their child is suffering or is not the same? Where is the “ we were wrong, this is the result, we are sorry” parents?

It’s one thing when 400lb Uncle Ray Wayne James Lee Hucks has Covid complications but we would think, parents would be less likely to double down or toe the line when their children are involved.

If someone is using Andrew Wiggins as a Covid vax barometer, would a counter argument really do any good?

I just got my 19 month olds first at a CVS.