COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Cant emphasize enough that not vaccinating your child is dumb and not supported by data


Yeah, case in point. ā€œThe vaccine effectiveness has been reduced to basically zeroā€ is some pretty terrible misinformation that has been picked up by a lot of people.

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The infotainment news people love to do stories about the MOST CONTAGIOUS VARIANT EVER every time cases rise because of new variants. Public health officials continue to fumble through ineffective messaging as well, trying to get people to voluntarily mask by talking about new variants isnā€™t working, its making a lot of people fatalistic about taking any measures at all.


I just donā€™t have it in me to, again, make the case for kids with vaccines. Covid has caused more carnage in kids than any other single disease Iā€™ve seen in my life (if you donā€™t count abuse or trauma as a disease) by a huge margin.


Yeah, breathlessly reporting that each new variant is ā€œ100 times more contagious then the previous variant!!11!!oneā€ such that you would now expect to be able to contract B.5 if you post on a internet forum where somebody else has it, is not helping. Iā€™m old enough to remember when the South African variant was going to kill us all.


It could definitely turn out that COVID just continues to mutate to the extent that having had BA.5 is just as out of date as the OG spike protein.

About half as many toddlers were hospitalized with Covid between October 2020 and September 2021 as were hospitalized with the flu during the previous winter. More children were hospitalized during the Omicron wave last winter, but hospitalization rates were still roughly in line with the 2019-20 flu season. None of the 5,400 or so toddlers in Modernaā€™s trial were hospitalized for Covid. Yet at least 15 were hospitalized for non-Covid infections.

Chris Iā€™m sorry but thatā€™s fucking dumb. Covid has killed and hospitalized more kids in the past few weeks than flu has done in the past few years.

Are we talking about 0-4 year olds here? The case for vaccinating older children is a slam dunk.

And if we are talking about 0-4 year olds then citation needed.

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Yes. Iā€™m sick and tired of this conversation. Wsj articles from laypeople are not valid placed to jump into a real discussion either.

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Chris iirc 1 kid died in the last flu season in 2020-21 in the USA. I donā€™t think we have official numbers yet for the 2021-22 season because it was super weird and late, but it was super low too

Says here that there were 347 flu deaths in the 0-4 group in the prior flu season, compared to 453 deaths in the same age group for 2.5 years of COVID.

The idea that COVID is causing unprecedented carnage among young children is, as they say, unsupported by evidence.


Sure, if you only measure kids as 0-4 and only measure it the exact way presented where more kids die from Covid than from flu in the time period presented.

Solid work. No evidence at all lol.

Thereā€™s also a lot more to my statement than simply death, but I donā€™t really got it in me to talk more with a person who seemingly doesnā€™t realize they just posted more people dying from Covid than flu in their time period despite extraordinary prevention measures for Covid.

Iā€™m getting our 19 month old vaccinated tonight. I havenā€™t followed things closely in a long while. Whatā€™s the latest on boosters for 5 year olds? And for 2nd boosters for adults?


If I understand imprinting correctly, any imprinting in this case is highly likely to be less problematic because the initial infection will involve exposure to more than the single spike protein.

I have not been following the research much but they have just approved second booster for my age.

Is my most +ev play to get it now or wait for fall hoping it gets a bit updated to new variants?

My first booster was Oct 2021.

I think the better strategy is booster now and then the new and improved vaxx later. There will probably be a pretty long lag between when new variant specific vaccines are approved and when they go into arms. I wouldnā€™t wait.

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Get it now and I donā€™t think itā€™s really close.

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Yeah, no way would I wait in that spot.

My health agency says wait 3 months after an infection which was last month for me. Guess Iā€™m stuck till sept either way.