COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Novavax was the trial I was back in Jan 2021. Side effects were nothing, would legit drive to another state to get it over another mrna shot.


Around 400 deaths a day, every day, for eternity. I mean it could be a little less I guess. It was around 325 for a few months. So maybe call it 120,000 deaths a year if weā€™re lucky.

Thanks. I have the kind of stupid nerd math brain that immediately starts asking questions like:

  1. When people keep getting re-infected every year, does the mortality rate for that person go up or down relative to the first time infected?
  2. Is the mortality rate by age from COVID infections stable over time? How much will the aging population increase the death headcount over time if mortality rates stay stable?
  1. Still TBD. Studies have been a mixed bag. Not a lot of evidence that reinfection reduces mortality rate

  2. deaths becoming more skewed to the elderly. Virus can evolve but in the real
    long-term death rates may come down because we eventually cull the 80 plus population.

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Confirmed a left wing plot to reduce red voter numbers.

And back Saturday night, tested positive this morning. My doc wants me to take a course of Paxlovid due to type II diabetes. Thoughts?


pretty standard rec from that doc


Iā€™m not a doctor and CN is so this is like giving a very low value +1 relative to his opinion but just wanted to give it anyway, having followed the news closely as a layman. Definitely a good idea to take it and the sooner the better.

Hope itā€™s mild for you and you bounce back quickly.

@CaffeineNeeded are you still suggesting prophylactic aspirin with COVID as well?

donā€™t do aspirin anymore, especially in vaccinated people

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Random note: current one-shot vax rate of under fives in the US currently a cool 3% and chugging along at about 0.7% a week. Guess the FDA taking their sweet time not a problem in post-COVID America.

5-11 only about 30% vaccinated (boosted lower).

Just not a lot of desire to vaccinate children here in USA#1

I could see a lot of even pro-vax parents of little ones waiting until theyā€™re at the pediatrician to ask if they really recommend it or whatever. The slow uptake doesnā€™t surprise me much.

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Seems absolutely insane to me. We couldnā€™t wait to get my 4 year old niece vaccinated. My friends with young kids were much the same. I still struggle understanding peoples decision making regarding all things covid.

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Start it asap if your doctor is recommending it. Needs to be within 5 days of first symptoms I believe. Everyrhing Iā€™ve seen suggests it has been a very effective drug.

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We have also thrown out 90 million vax doses in the US

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Yeah she told me the same. Iā€™m not even at 24 hours yet from first symptoms and just got the text that my script was filled, so I will be getting a fast start on it.


mask wearing is mostly just me

covid isnā€™t bad here yet

go figure

Iā€™m guessing it probably be after the big fairs circulate it all around

still trying to avoid it at all possible not realistic but dangit Iā€™m gonna try

It doesnā€™t help that the following seems to have become the prevailing knowledge:

  1. ā€œThe vaccines donā€™t work any more against the new strains;ā€
  2. ā€œKids donā€™t really get that sick from Covid.ā€
  3. ā€œweā€™re all going to get covid anyway so why botherā€

A lot of lower-information parents buying into ā€œthe vaccines are basically worthlessā€ against new strains misinformation unfortunately. The right wing derposphere is strong in this country.


bring on the Marburg

I would probably not vaccinate if I had a kid that age. The effectiveness data is not really that amazing and is likely to be a lot worse against BA.5. The risk to children that age is very small to begin with. I donā€™t think that what weā€™re starting to learn about imprinting is being taken anywhere near seriously enough.

Basically I think that the amount the vaccine helps is a more or less known quantity which is extremely small in absolute terms, while the amount the vaccine might hurt has a large distribution of possibilities, some of which are quite serious. The ā€œtrialsā€ are a joke in this regard, they are nowhere near long term enough to address these concerns. I am not really convinced that an EUA is appropriate given the low level of absolute risk weā€™re talking about.

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Arenā€™t the kids going to imprint anyways when they catch COVID?