COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

For those not in the Biden thread:

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Heā€™s double-boosted and taking paxlovid, so heā€™s almost certainly going to be fine. That may be good news or bad news depending upon your viewpoints of the matter.

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Harris kinda sucks. Sheā€™s basically a black female Joe Biden.

So based on wastewater, COVID spread appears to be the second highest its ever been.

Iā€™m still holding out hope that I can continue to avoid it, but man that seems like wishful thinking right now.

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Iā€™m super frustrated weā€™re not seeing faster movement on the release of an apparently effective omicron booster.


My work has an on-site for the first time in a while and guy across the table has been coughing all morning and I ask my boss to send him home and yep heā€™s still here :+1: :+1: :+1:

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I finally got it; no big deal and at this point it barely rates a text to your friends, but after doing so much to dodge this for two years, the inner eye roll at seeing that first red positive line flare like a lightsaber felt more profound than most of my other eye rolls. Still, a bigger-than-expected share of my reaction was Well, at least I know Iā€™ve been running these fucking tests right!

Would love to see an instant replay of the room where it happened, because (unlike a bunch of times in the past year) there wasnā€™t an obvious exposure that makes timeline sense and Iā€™m still KF94ing it all over the place. But whatever: itā€™s everywhere, itā€™s wily, the end. And Iā€™m sure thereā€™s some fussy powerpointable reason but why on earth doesnā€™t this have its own greek letter? Would feel way better getting zapped by pi or rho or, be still my heart, sigma. Iā€™m not a stats guy but would be curious about the mean #days people test positive and the SD etc. My brother-in-law just tested positive for twenty days and Iā€™m sure we all know loads of people whoā€™ve gone ten.

I do some volunteer work in medicine, and one of the things I do is talk with a bazillion underinsured or immensely embarrassed people who want an appointment to see if their concern is within our dinky clinicā€™s scope. A few days ago I was talking to this dude who said he felt ā€œnot great,ā€ and ā€œcanā€™t taste things.ā€ Ah, Iā€™m sorry to hear that. Sayā€¦have you had a COVID test recently? ā€œCOVID?!? No way, Iā€™m not sick, just no taste!ā€

As always I appreciate how this thread has been a place for reasonable evidence-based discussion about this bullshit for the last two years. Itā€™s like how without dvaut and 2p2 and UP Iā€™d prob still be into West Wing. Thanks!


Wonā€™t make any difference whether Biden survives or not, except for ending the speculation about running again (in both senses).


MAGA would nom a dead Donnie

Based on a preprint, but if Nature is running with it, itā€™s probably okay to post.

Prior Omicron infection protects against BA.4 and BA.5 variants

The researchers found that infection with a pre-Omicron variant prevented reinfection with BA.4 or BA.5 with an effectiveness of 28.3%, and prevented symptomatic reinfection with either subvariant with an effectiveness of 15.1%. Prior infection with Omicron granted stronger protection: it was 79.7% effective at preventing BA.4 and BA.5 reinfection and 76.1% effective at preventing symptomatic reinfection.


The researchers found that infection with a pre-Omicron variant prevented reinfection with BA.4 or BA.5 with an effectiveness of 28.3%, and prevented symptomatic reinfection with either subvariant with an effectiveness of 15.1%

The first part is spectacularly bad news. Expected though given how the vaccine efficacy has dropped.

Prior infection with Omicron granted stronger protection: it was 79.7% effective at preventing BA.4 and BA.5 reinfection and 76.1% effective at preventing symptomatic reinfection.

This is reason for hopeā€¦ would sure be nice if we had an omicron specific vaccine.

Pour one out for natural immunity morons.

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Not COVID related, but any of the science people here ever done part of an ELISA outside? Doing that now.

Like outdoors? No.

Is it a lack of ac in a lab?

The problem is the reasonable likelihood that we are going to see the same results for pi next year and Ro in 2024 and I donā€™t see a lot of evidence vaccine updates can keep up, let alone that we run an effective vax campaign barring true calamity.

Fucking anti-vaxxers:

Maybe he was worried about new polio variants making the vaccine worthless, or autism.

Fire alarm. The second one of the day.

We didnā€™t have any idea what to do.

I think we made the right call.

Boss is not going to be happy on Monday (I should be safe from wrath though).

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For the record here, thereā€™s a particularly crazy group of Orthodox Jews in this area that stopped vaccinating their kids awhile ago. They had a big measles outbreak a few years back too.

Update: He still has symptoms but he tested ā€œnegativeā€ today (faint positive line according to my brother-in-law) so he went out to do some critically important things like buying an air filter from Loweā€™s and getting gas.


I guess this is probably your point, but did you tell him that a faint line is a positive result?

Covid remains undefeated