COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

First time being sick in like 3 years and I forgot how much it sucks. Hacking up goop and congested to hell, but great news, it is not covid and I’m just a baby with a cold I guess. Is it weird that I’m a little disappointed?


72 hours post memorial. No symptoms.


I would be disappointed, too. My covid bouts have been shorter and milder than most colds. Colds, even when mild, will linger for like 2 weeks, which sucks.

Getting stuck in airport cough-feats led to at least three of my friends’ COVID pozzes in the last month.

Interesting, that’s how I’d describe where I live as well, and I’d put masking at 10% tops. In stores in the much bluer area where I work, I’d say it’s still well under 50%.

In my town (went for Biden by more than 2-to-1), I’d say masks are at about 30% in grocery stores right now.

Turkey is at less than 5% masking. Probably closer to 1%.

Czech Republic plans to allow people aged 60+ and anybody with risk factors to get a fourth shot starting next week. However, the Ministry of Health is still encouraging others to wait until at least the second half of August. My suspicion is that they’re expecting this wave to be pretty bad. Maybe not deadly but probably to spread much faster.

Yeah way way way under 30% here. Maybe CVS gets to like 15% (pharmacists like 50/50 but they mask to give vaccines at least, lol surgical though). Random indoor place, nah, like 5%.

I dont think most places mask again even if the hospitals are overflowing, so, try not to need medical care this winter.

They just opened 2nd boosters to under 60s here and I’ve got an appointment to get mine tomorrow. Mask use probably below 50% in stores here now. Definitely under 50% for employees, but got some curbside pickup yesterday and dude was wearing his mask even outside while loading up my trunk. Respect.


Got my 2nd booster today, I’ve gone Pfizer, Moderna, Moderna, Moderna. I think Moderna is better than mixing?

Will it reduce effectiveness if I get really drunk now/ right after?

Just goy my 2nd booster and now I’m so vax’d the vaccine passport can’t deal with it so they’ve dropped my first shot


Seems like it could be the tests are detecting lingering traces of the previous infection?


Possible, but they have verified reinfections that fast with sequencing. Would be unusual but not a lightning strike or anything. The dominant variants are switching so fast now.

Tests can barely catch full blown new covid let alone lingering traces. I tested negative 4 times across 3 different types of tests over 7 days with all the covid symptoms and I deepthroated the fuck out of that swab.



What kind of test we talking about here?

PCR can absolutely find small amounts. Rapid antigens not so much.

Paxlovid rebound is also a thing. Dirty little secret about antimicrobials is that length of treatment is all made up with little backing

Doubt this was two completely separate infections


Theres a bunch of viral infections going around in Aus that definitely arent covid. Based on PCR tests for covid and positive identification of other viruses.

Just got back from said grocery store and this was a wild overestimate on my part.

Real number is under 15% and possibly under 10%.

I was referring about rapid tests and I’m in Toronto