COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Maybe. Government certainly not urgently funding it right now, I think it is five years plus out.

BA.2.75 variant ā€“ nicknamed ā€œCentaurusā€ - doesnā€™t sound much fun and itā€™s already in at least ten countries in addition to India where it originated from.

Yeah I really wouldnt be surprised to see a really significant drop in life expectancy at the next census. There will be a large downswing in the number of people who live to 90+ with this being a reccuring issue that skirts vaccines.

My state in Aus just asked people to work from home if they can.

My company has just followed.

That sucks.

Everybody has Covid and no one cares

Itā€™s fucking ridiculous.

Just jurassicparknobodycares everywhere

Gonna be honest. I donā€™t care much anymore either. I got my Vax and boost. I already had COVID. Iā€™ll get the fourth shot as soon as itā€™s available to me. Iā€™ll wear a mask where required. But Iā€™m not gonna be a hermit for the rest of my life.

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At my family party this weekend my brother with an infant asked my cousin who just tested positive 5 days earlier to test before coming and he was considered the villain for trying disinvite someone

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No symptoms yet. Dry cough yesterday but we were in upper peninsula (Michigan) with all kinds of nature/pollen.

No coughing overnight so just assuming an environmental irritant.

Today makes 2 days since the big indoor gathering wo masks.

Yes, thereā€™s basically no effort to reduce transmission and we all get to get the rona a couple times a year if we are living a semi-normal life.

LA is bringing masks back July 27th so thatā€™sā€¦something I guess.

Impromptu mask survey at two local grocery stores in a fairly red portion of a blue state:

Mask use up from about 30 to 60% in the last week or so.


I wonder how much of that is mildly symptomatic folks vs people trying to avoid infection.

Not sure how much it will actually help, but it at least feels like good news

Guess it depends on what you mean by ā€œhelpā€. Having more boosters will very likely reduce bad outcomes for people that get infected.

Yeah thereā€™s a rift in my extended family. A few of us were not invited to an event that we wouldnā€™t have gone to anyway, but some were still offended at not being invited. (I was like, well, whatever. Sort it out if covid ever ends, what do I care right now?) Like half are anti-vaxxers, half arenā€™t. Meanwhile the anti-vaxxers who are 100% back to normal think weā€™re assholes for wanting to be safe and take precautions.

About 60% of them caught it at the event, too. They were perplexed.

No change to their opinions after, though.


My 2.5 year old isnā€™t doing great over 48 hours after getting first vaccine. Fever broke but tons of congestion, which I donā€™t think is a side effect. Iā€™ll be super bummed if she caught Covid while waiting at the pharmacyā€¦ wouldnā€™t be surprised though. seems like everyone I know has Covid right now.


Yeah, congestion is not a side effect of the vaccine. Might want to get her tested.

Iā€™m at the airport. Sat down with as few people around as possible, guy nearby is on the phone talking about being exhausted and achey, then coughs. No mask, of course. I move to a different gate cause I have over an hour to wait. 15 mins later another guy is coughing and talking about being sick, no mask of course. Two kids coughing pretty bad too, no masks.

People are just awesome!


LA Times coming in hotā€¦ Long COVID brain fog is real, and itā€™s spectacular!

Apparently Marty McNamara has personal experience with brain fog.