COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I have a hard time believing the marginal protection of swim goggles on a plane is very high vs ba5.

Blocking airflow under the door to your hotel room? Are you guys doing these things?

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Yeah, Iā€™ve got no idea how effective it is. Iā€™m just saying that if it were effective, Iā€™d do it even to avoid mild illness. I hate getting sick even if itā€™s not even close to killing me.

LOLā€¦Iā€™ve been pretty hermit-like for the past two years, but Iā€™ve stayed at hotels during this time and would never think to do this.

Unlike Frank Zappa, Iā€™m not afraid of germs coming in low and attacking high.

Brag: I dodged COVID from my maskless session, tested negative twice at 3 days and 6 days out.

Beat: I got an exposure notification on my phone for a cash game session three days ago. I wore an N95 the whole time, well fit, and tight enough to leave marks and indentations on my face. I did pull it down to chug water every 90 mins to 2 hours, but I took a deep breath before and held my breath while chugging then breathed back in the mask. So at most I would get like one breath of exposure every 2 hours. None of the players had symptoms, one dealer did. No water consumption around him.

Variance: Last night I had a scratchy throat, this morning I have a runny nose, and a cough coming from my upper respiratory tract - not my throat.

I donā€™t expect to test positive today even if I have it, but Iā€™m bought in for the Little One today and itā€™s my last bullet of the trip. So Iā€™m going to test now to be as safe as possible, if negative Iā€™ll play, and then test again in a few days I guess. And obviously keep N95ing.

Hopefully my mind is a hell of a drug, or sleeping with the room too cold gave me a little cough.


I got 3 separate covid notifications like that, never masked and played 40+ hours over 3 days - I think your odds are decent with the mask

Do you think this is going to be your standard from now on? I admire the discipline; I couldnā€™t stay that vigilant (and got tagged last month).

Thatā€™s very hard to answer. Forever? Almost certainly not, God I hope not. For a while? Probably. I donā€™t see it changing until the fall boosters, at least, and weā€™ll see what the situation is then with efficacy. The other thing that would change my behavior is more research on Long Covid that proves itā€™s not as bad as Iā€™m concerned it is, or drugs that can reverse it, etc.


Iā€™ve gotten a total of like 2 notifications despite treating hundreds if not thousands of Covid patients with it on.

Tbf I donā€™t linger in those rooms or Covid tents

I am doing zero of those things

small towns usually lag behind the cities with stuff like this so thereā€™s a chance you can get out in time (ie, itā€™s not bad in wheatville yet)

I also assume youā€™re getting it even with a mask in the western US cities right now especially vegas I hear itā€™s basically everybody.

four weeks, this shit is insane itā€™s july and itā€™s spreading, also itā€™s infection rate is crazy, also you get reinfected quickly, good god

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I ainā€™t got time to read that, but when they say ā€œworst version of the virus we have seenā€, do they mean highest morbidity and mortality (by any measure) ? If not, GTFO.

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Yeah seems like most inconvenient (if you follow isolation rules while pozzed) which for a lot, probably majority imo, is the worst

Yeah I expect to get infected 2-4 times in the next year.

Maybe Iā€™m reading it wrong, but I think itā€™s saying you can get BA.5 within 4 weeks of having been infected with an earlier variant. It doesnā€™t say you can get infected with BA.5, and then re-infected with BA.5 in as soon as 4 weeks, right?

I have decided to get a fourth shot tomorrow, I hope this provides at least some increased protection against this goddamn thing.


I wish I had my 4th before tomorrow but I couldnā€™t squeeze it in once the schedule was set.


Man. Fourth shots were only opened to 30-60 year olds today in Australia and I wandered into the vaccination center expecting it to be quick. It turns out half the fucking city is here.

Im getting it because I want protection to kick in for my international flight. Idk why most of these other people donā€™t just go home and come back another day.


Day zero. Spent 1.5 hours in a room with 140 people at the memorial.

There was some cross ventilation. But shook a lot of hands and had many close conversations.

How many days until Iā€™m in the clear?