COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Covid stats from daughter’s school district:

I think all of it. The place where I work is currently struggling to function with all the covid quarantines.

In Ontario it is both. Assume the same elsewhere.

But in a world where NYS is distinguishing with/for Covid (allowing denialists to go “omg 42% of those aren’t even there for Covid this is all fake!!1”) we at least need to have (1) total Covid+ hospitalization/growth and (2) total hospitalization/growth given alongside this number.

I mean, we can argue none of this matters as the other side is 100% in bad faith, which has some truth to it. But given that bad faith denialism finds its way all the way up to literal supreme court oral arguments, we have to contextualize and rebut every line of Covid denialism. Our failure to do that is probably a large part of the reason why, for instance, ~nothing was done to stop Omicron.

Talk about begging the question.

Yeah. No shit. If you assume that the infectious period is the same or less than the quarantine period then yeah, 5 days make sense.

Also. Pretending this is unknowable is dumb af. I had data linked up thread that suggested 20 to 30% are infectious after day 5.


I think he’s talking about the average infectious period. It seems like the point of the model is trying to quantify how bad it is if that 20-30% of people leave isolation early.

I was able to order some self tests from a few days ago. I was worried that they weren’t going to ship, but they arrived today with two more kits than we requested.

That’s not my read of it. He specifically models a range of infectious periods as inputs. Then draws the conclusion that so long as the infectious period is 5 days or less, then a quarantine of 5 days is fine…

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Yeah it’s hitting everything.

I had 3 small production runs of medical devices that were scheduled for the end of December that all got postponed because Covid swept the contractors staffing at that facility. Trying to schedule international shipments of drugs and devices for clinical trials has gone from a 1-2 day lead time, to being measured in weeks. And as the available capacity shrinks, big pharma companies are swinging their dicks (and money bags) around making it harder for the little guys to get anything done, even though we also have patients that need their medicine. It’s a stressful time for sure.

You fought Covid like a champ!


Thanks I bought 1 pack of tests from both. I’m just going to hand them out to people when they come within six feet of me. No but I figure I can test myself twice a week and give them to people who I’ve came into contact with that need a test.

update: i’m hoarding so many covid tests now i need a spreadsheet to track them.


Ok I may have gone a little overboard and might cancel a few orders but I think I’m going to need all of them to hand out to friends/family/coworkers because none of them can find a test either.

Right now I don’t even have a test for myself after I took my last one yesterday morning, before having to borrow a test from my roommate later in the day to give to my brother after he found out his roommate tested positive.


Ive got all these and just tested negative for a second time. No idea what I have but the tests are saying it isnt covid

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Around Thanksgiving my mom (vaxxed+boosted) had all the symptoms of COVID: fever, cough, sore throat, congestion, fatigue. She tested negative three times during the course of her illness. Her doctor didn’t know what she had, as it was not the flu either. It took her about a week to get better, and she never knew what she had.

Always fun to know there is a mystery illness out there during a global pandemic. Doesnt seem ominous at all

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Hopefully the mystery Disease is a rhinovirus.

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Similar thing in Sept/Oct on the east coast. I had it and it knocked the shit out of me to the point where I took 3 sick days even though I work from home. Tested negative by PCR.

Do they tend to linger? Im on day 6 of symptoms which is one of the longer illnesses ive had

Common cold. 7-10 days.


Lol and I was starting to think I had too many tests

The x axis on all the graphs is “mean infectious period.” And one of them shows an incremental benefit to going from 5 to 6 day iso periods for a mean infectious period of 5 days. And, as you say, your interpretation makes the whole exercise trivially stupid, so your interpretation is likely wrong.