COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

About fucking time, man why was Elmo dragging his feet on this?

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I donā€™t think thereā€™s been a definitive explanation for why covid can be both super contagious and spread to a whole room full of people and yet also will infect less than half of a household, on average, when one person gets it. It may be that the actual window of contagiousness is both really brief and really severe so that if youā€™re not in the same room as your family for just the right few hours, you might dodge giving it to them? I dunno. Or maybe itā€™s more person to person variability: some people give off a ton of virus, and other people just donā€™t.

To be fair to Elmo, it takes the FDA an embarrassingly long time to study the effects on muppets, especially when you consider the sample sizes they have to work with. Also, it is completely immoral of them to use Oscar as the defacto test subject since he lives in a trash can.


My man Oscar has been socially distanced for over forty years.


The new boosters from Moderna and/or Pfizer should be available by September, maybe August.

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Seems like there are five possible explanations, and the actual reason could be a mix or any one of them:

  1. Your girlfriend had a prior variant and this was BA.4/BA.5.
  2. Your booster waned more.
  3. The lack of sleep.
  4. Maybe your girlfriend was vaxxed and boosted and gave off less virus, and your aunt wasnā€™t vaxxed and boosted or was less recently boosted?
  5. Variance.

Possibly. FDA panel is starting off pretty skeptical:

Why didnā€™t you just get one anyway (obviously itā€™s not a lock that it would have actually changed anything)?

Also, congrats on the wedding!

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Followed by boosters for children sometime during the Barron Trump administration.

Wait Iā€™m confused. I believe you were not yet married (if I read this correctly). I donā€™t think the American Taliban approves of this violation. Clarence Thomas is going to personally convict and sentence you.

Thatā€™s much better than my attempt at humor.

Today was day 4. It was a roller coaster of a day. Day 3 was decent, but when I got up today I was miserable. I added an extremely sore throat with pain when swallowing as a symptom. Tried to take a shower but I couldnā€™t finish it I was so lethargic. I went back to be for a few hours. The sore throat just disappeared somehow with no meds taken. Feeling fair as of now.


Looks like the next covid wave is starting to rise in the Czech Republic. Wonder how many people testing positive are tourists and how many actually live here.


You should get yourself some Paxlovinā€™.

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Tested negative today and I administered the test properly, touching the back of my throat and inside of the cheeks this time before the nostrils. (When I took the test two days ago I forgot it was a nasal swab and not a rectal swab)
Considering I had all the symptoms and 1.5 tests left I then proceeded to use the same liquid for the other brand of rapid test which was missing the liquid from its container, but had the swab and test result thing. Both showed up negative so I guess I have something else that gives all the same symptoms unless the new variant doesnā€™t trigger the rapid tests.

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Must be Monkey Pox then.

I love how the ā€œthey are familiar with their anticsā€ can be read in two different ways and both are comedy gold.


interestingā€¦ thereā€™s a lot more work than you might think in prescribing it though. Lots of medication interactions.

Also I think the duration is too short, but rebound is still relatively uncommon.

U.S. health regulators will not require companies to submit new clinical trial data on COVID-19 vaccines that target the now dominant BA.4 and BA.5 Omicron subvariants to authorize those shots, but will instead rely on studies showing the efficacy of targeting the earlier BA.1 subvariant, a top official said on Thursday.