COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

This is awesome!

Looks like we have another new variant, BA.2.75. Super wide confidence interval but the first estimate is 998% more transmissible than BA.5. 95%CI range is 196% to 1800%. Itā€™s on the rapid ascent in India, and has been detected in the US in Washington and California.

Meanwhile, on the Long COVID front, this was published in Nature:

Meanwhile, on the T-cell front, itā€™s extremely anecdotal but hereā€™s a doctor with multiple infections and low t-cells:


10 fold

Not sure how much I trust a guy reporting 3 significant figures when his CI is that massive.

Yeah Iā€™m pretty bearish in where COVID is going. We trough at much higher case levels now and the waves come faster, especially when we account for how much less we are testing/reporting now. I think it is only a matter of time before we get a variant that cracks existing vaccines. But even Iā€™m gonna take the under on 998 percent more transmissible.

I mean weā€™ve already had pretty big jumps in transmissibility, havenā€™t we? Omicron was like 420% more transmissible than Delta, BA.2 was like 30-60% more than Omicron, BA.5 is like 35% more than BA.2. Delta was like 50% more transmissible than Alpha, which was like 50% more transmissible than the original strain.

I mean, Iā€™d take the under 998% before Iā€™d take the over, but I donā€™t think itā€™s like incomprehensible if it ends up being in that range of around 10-fold worse.

Having a hard time figuring out the transmission mechanism that would make it 10x more transmissible than omicron. I guess if we start hearing stories about entire 70,000 person outdoor stadiums catching COVID or something.

R0 is a log scale. It doesnā€™t take that much

Edit: exponential, Iā€™m tired. Point is that you get big numbers really fast depending on how you define things

Yeah, this is where Iā€™m at.

Iā€™m at a point where I donā€™t care about transmissibility per se. All I care about is bad outcomes (hospitalization/death). Iā€™m still largely in denial about long COVID, but the needle is moving a bit on that.

you were right the first time

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Fucking hell

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I donā€™t suppose we have her T-cell counts prior to all these infections. Maybe she was always a bit low and that is why she got COVID 5 times?

As you suggest itā€™s a single person, so itā€™s hard to draw strong general conclusions of any kind.

About fucking time.

Iā€™m not sure what the point of this is at all. Acute illnesses very frequently cause decreased lymphocytes

Well Dr. Kerry Smith is apparently very concerned!

Yeah, I mean, if this new variant is indeed 10x more contagious than omicron, then it has to be flirting with being the most contagious disease in recorded history. That isnā€™t impossible, sure, but sheesh. I would at least hope itā€™s unlikely.

Agreed, but there are other explanations for the craziness than the one I assume she is implying (havenā€™t read any more than the cuseā€™s post).

I thought @MrWookie did, but maybe one of them wasnā€™t confirmed with a test. So itā€™s reasonable to just count that as 1.