COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Add me to the pozzed list. Sore throat yesterday morning turned into sore throat, 101* fever, headache, body chills, difficulty sleeping, and general misery. Much better now - fever is gone, symptoms that remain are pretty mild. It feels like a cold now, but last night was rough.


3 shots? And is this your first pozz? You have my sympathy, but I havenā€™t heard many people with 3 shots getting symptoms that bad from omicron and its subvariants, so Iā€™m curious how much is explained just by bad luck. Hopefully this clears quickly like mine did, even if you had a worse go of it.

I guess Iā€™d have to more carefully examine this work, but my gut says that had there actually been no vaccines, and deaths were as bad as estimated in that case, we would have locked down harder than we did in summer 2021 and later (at least in many places with lots of people), making this a substantial overestimate. That said, vaccines are nevertheless a massive win because of all the deaths we didnā€™t have despite not locking down as hard as we might have.

I am so, so, so looking forward to the mental wellbeing of having my girls fully vaxxed.

Enjoy the night sweats.

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Yep, 3 shots and first pozz. The rough patch didnā€™t last too long. Bad luck would seem to be the most likely conclusion.

Sucks to play the game right and still be in the bad tail of outcomes. Sorry, man. Hopefully the rest of your symptoms clear up quickly, and we can all hope that the upcoming boosters tamp everything down further.

Did you test positive? I had similar symptoms in March but it just turned out to be a run-of-the-mill flu since I tested negative while having symptoms. Also had three shots.

2021 total Covid lockdown fatigue. Maybe

These symptoms have been pretty common in my circles. No deaths or truly debilitating long COVID yet, which is better than pre-vax, just some brain fog/fatigue/long-term COVID cough. Acute symptoms roughly split between light respiratory symptoms and sore throat/fever/chills.

My fully vaccinated kid got a sort of permanent cough and skin issues post COVID just FYI, so it isnā€™t quite a cold just yet post vax.

My understanding is that those kinds of symptoms (which I had too) are caused by your immune system not the virus. Makes me wonder if the new variants tend to fall into a sweet spot where your body recognizes the antigen well enough to realize that it needs to mount a serious response, but not well enough to quickly wipe out the virus.

The only better than strippers n blow is strippers n blow on the deplorableā€™s dime. Their $$ spends so much sweeter.

I did test positive yep. Better today - feels like a bad cold/sinus infection now.


Have covid like symptoms, scratchy throat, mild fever/muscle aches, and mild cough-but itā€™s a wet cough today as opposed to a dry one yesterday.

I took a rapid covid test yesterday and it was negative, but itā€™s been so long I think I fucked it up and didnā€™t take it properly.


Which will be approved shortly after the Omega strain becomes dominant Iā€™m sure.

FWIW, this booster is showing plenty of efficacy against BA.4 and BA.5.

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Yup, I am very cautiously optimistic that the next round of boosters could be a major turning point.

If they confer a high level of protection and if prior infection does not offer a high level of protection against the new circulating Omicron variants, it seems possible that something like BA.5 or whatever comes next could keep ripping through the unboosted without a ton of evolutionary pressure to mutate for the much smaller number of people who get the new boosters.

Also, theoretically there is some point where the virus runs out of efficient avenues for mutation that maintain the ability to infect us. The new boosters should cut off a major avenue. Whether thats the last one or there are one, a few, dozens, or hundreds more, who knows?

But thereā€™s at least a chanceā€¦

So Iā€™m 50 and qualify for a 4th shot as of a month or so ago, but since I actually had COVID in April anyway, Iā€™m holding off for a bit instead (was gonna wait until late July so that my immunity is maxed right around when I go on vacation in August).

Anybody expect new Pfizer booster will be approved anywhere remotely in the time frame where it makes sense for me to wait for it instead? Or are we talking about some lol year-long approval window?

There is a lot of variability in how infectious people are.

We havenā€™t fully funded these in America. They are likely going to be allocated more strictly than current gen vaccines. It isnā€™t going to be a mass gen pop booster program even if there was somehow demand for it.

Hope you feel better. Different strains of more evasive Omicron going around too now Vs a month ago. That may have factored in as well.

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