COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

It’s easy to lose sight of this fact because there’s been no visible benefit from it. We’re vaccinating against a strain of the virus that’s been extinct in the wild for two years.

My understanding was that the original formulation worked well enough against Delta that they didn’t bother rolling out a Delta booster.

Either way, a vaccine against a brand new virus within two years is a massive accomplishment!

Yeah nothing says tripling down like:

The vaccines were actually authorized in just one year, which is absolutely an incredible accomplishment.

I’m just saying that there’s been no demonstrated ability to retarget the vaccine in practice. It seems like the biotech is there, but it’s not a fully realized capability yet.

Anybody got their <5 kids the vaccine yet? What’s the word on after effects


No word on my 3 year grandson yet.


Confirmed will be able to get moderna vaccine with all of my daughters six month vaccines. Super, super excited.


If you want to know what the Covid non-antivaxxers are saying

This is going to be a narrative. These two are huge antivax voices.

Also prasad was talking about how Salk didn’t do this work for Polio. Turns out they had like 10 bad outcomes in his massive study and:

  • the initial work was purposely done on kids with intellectual disabilities who already had polio
  • Salk opposed the rct design

At least according to reputable medtwitter sources. Want to read more about the polio vaccine now.

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the reason this is even a problem is because these major social media platforms allow these people a platform, visibility, and support for spreading it further

otherwise science can just mostly laugh this stuff off and move on, but it takes a form of life of its own on these networks

Seems to me that 40% of rural docs don’t feel like getting yelled at by their patients.

Two girls with a shot of Moderna each. Found a place just doing walk ins. Follow up will be 7/21, and that means pandemic over circa 8/4.


Yeah, this.

Put her in an isolation chamber with a multi month supply of food and water and ipad until she turns six months.

Yeah this. Remember when social media was going to be this great democratizing force? Instead it’s just created terrible societal outcomes.

Hate to be the bearer of bad news from 3 months in your future, but as the parent of a 6 year old as well as a three year old, I can tell you that the stress does not go away after they get vaccinated.

I’m not even sure what that means but you use this forum for a different purpose than me so you be you I guess.

Looks like Pfizer is going to have an Omicron-specific booster


My sleeve is rolled up. Let’s go on with it.

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The comments are of course, horrible.