COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

My turn in the barrel.

I popped up to Vegas for a couple of days last week (Wed-Fri) just to see the spectacle and play a little cash.

I was as careful as I could be. I’d estimate only about 5% masked in general.

Started to get a sore throat on Saturday afternoon. Tested negative that night. Progressed to runny nose, fever, chills, general shitty feeling and moderate coughing.

I thought it might just be a bad cold but that didn’t really seem right since I had no sneezing or congestion.

But I just tested again and it was positive. Not really surprised tbh. I knew Clark County went from medium to high in the time between booking and the actual trip, so I knew the risk I was taking by going.

I’m quadruple vaxxed and certainly glad for the protection. I’d hate to think what this would be like without it.


Were you wearing an N95 most of the time? Not sure what “as careful as I could be” meant. I don’t mean this to take a shot at you, just curious how careful you were to still catch it anyway, since I’ll be in Vegas in a couple weeks and want to avoid it.

KN95 ~100% indoors except eating and drinking. But of course drinking at the table means the mask is coming off and on during that time.

The Phoenix airport has a nice roomy tram from the terminal to the parking lot but it was out of service on Friday night so everyone was packing into shuttle buses instead. I want happy about that but I guess we’ll never know the precise infection event.

I’ll probably have a similar level of exposure. Plan on wearing an N95 at all times, except the breath, hold breath, drink, mask back up, exhale approach. Plan on doing takeout to the room. BUT, one poker session I will be unmasked, it’s not in a casino and it’s only going to be a total of like 8-10 people I’ll be exposed to.

Biggest risk of the pandemic so far for me, got my fourth shot about two weeks ago, so I should have as much protection as possible.

same timeline as me. still testing negative

It’s not the masking, it’s the eating & drinking that will get you. I am friends with a lot of travellers. The ones who mask religiously and don’t eat any indoor meals have not gotten covid. The ones who mask religiously but demask to eat and drink indoors have. If you’re pulling your mask down to eat and drink indoors you’re vastly increasing your risk IMO.

Get a water pouch and rig up a tube to go under your mask.


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Walgreens’ website now mentions Moderna’s vaccine when you go to book an appointment, but at least for me, when I go from the first page entering DOB an such to then see what appointments are available, it only lists places with only Pfizer available. I called a pharmacist, and she said that they don’t have the little kids’ vaccines in yet, and she doesn’t know what they are getting until the shipment arrives on Friday.


Thanks for the update!

Seriously guys, it’s super easy. You don’t need to time it or cook up some scheme (elaborate or otherwise). You can basically make an online appointment, answer the questions the right way, show up with no documents and get a jab.

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If it’s any consolation (it isn’t), large portions of the population have always been dull, uninformed, selfish, and cruel but you are only now lucky enough to be able to see and hear from all of them all of the time in glorious HD and Dolby Digital surround sound.

It’s a glorious time to be alive imo.

yea facebook is bleak these days in a lot of public facing spots like that

they dont really attempt to moderate it like they used to, probably was making their DAU go down or some shit.

ETA: it’s actually far more complex than that, which I could write a thesis on, but it’d probably bore people or draw criticism so i’ll refrain

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This is a weak study design (observational, and based on self-reports, in contrast to the gold standard of randomized and controlled, based on objective data), but a decently large observed effect of omicron causing less long covid than delta:

While this is generally good news, what omicron lacks in average severity it makes up for in total case volume.


Yeah right now when I play poker in a casino I take it down to drink but I don’t breathe while it’s down. So my exposure is that one breath right after I pull it back up, I try to exhale and push that out but I don’t always. The only eating I do is the same way, do it’s limited to like granola bars and that type of stuff or almonds in a tube. I go back to my room for full meals. Unfortunately I don’t think it’s realistic to go outside for water breaks and stay hydrated - especially in WSOP events. You can’t drink once every two hours in the desert.

But this trip will also have that one risky session, I need to get lucky or not get unlucky on that one, depending on how you look at it.

Some interesting studies…

Cross-immunity from endemic coronaviruses made death more likely with COVID-19:

COVID-19 leaves you with lower t-cell counts than AIDS:

(I can’t get this study to open to see if it’s published or a preprint, I get stuck on a CAPTCHA check that won’t load. Anyone else able to open it?)

That first sentence alone is a bit extreme and dramatic for a published paper.

People gotta stop treating preprints like objective truth.


This seems unlikely/misrepresented/misleading, I agree we should wait for the not preprint of this.

Looks like CVS is only going to offer Pfizer too:

WTF, did Pfizer pay off all the pharmacy esecs?

I am starting to see a few sites on the Oregon government’s website say they have Moderna for ages 3-5 only. I’m not sure how many I trust, as only one has a phone number and none have websites. No major retailers or household names. The one with a phone number is closed, so I’ll call in the morning.