COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I don’t remember off hand. There will frequently be a day or two of negatives before turning positive on day 2 or 3.

Not sure. I guess I’d want to check if getting boosted now locks me out from getting the updated Moderna shot for 6 months. I wouldn’t want to have to wait til December or January to get that one.

pfizer isnt the good one anymore? what did i miss?

i got jabbed 3x pfizer but always have had a choice

As I’m sure you’re aware, as a practical matter, the only way you can really be locked out is if you don’t want it. Some minor fibbing will get you any available jab you want.

It’s the pediatric vaccine, and has to do with dosing likely. Not applicable to adults.

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About a year, apparently.

I think adults probably should also have a very slight preference for Moderna ( not based on the pediatric data, of course).

Presumably you got the booster for them which was just a month or so ago. At this point I’d wait till the fall because the moderna strain-specific ones are allegedly coming out for kids too.

Nah, haven’t boosted them yet. They got primary and COVID after, so I’ve been taking my sweet time.

Why would you have to prevaricate then in order to get them a moderna booster? I thought mix and match was allowed, and now moderna is allowed.

Is it? I think mix and match is only allowed for 18+. Like I said, I may not have my facts straight on this.

Maybe you’re right. Moderna was only just approved for the younger age groups so I’m not positive either.

Man how fucked up is it that Epstein Barr virus causes MS, and we just figured this out. It does other stuff like leukemia too.

I still dunno about long covid in general but the specifics things that might happen are not fun to think about.

Now please let my daughter stay down.

Son confirmed +

Talk about bad timing, coming down with the virus while you are running a marathon (symptoms shorty thereafter).


We have had the conversation about ME/CFS before but I continue to think that doctors in general are WAY WAY too ready to write off mysterious illnesses to psychosomatic origin. Loneliness/poor social relationships are associated with 29% greater chance of heart disease and 32% greater chance of stroke, for example. But those numbers are shrugged off because we are well aware of the physiological causes of those illnesses. If the physiological origins were mysterious, those numbers would be quite sufficient for most doctors to be like “aha, another psychosomatic illness” just like you were with long COVID. I think we’re only just scratching the surface of what is going to be discovered about post-viral syndromes/chronic viral infection.


And now there is a third Avenue- from the recent chronic pain study somewhere up above, there is a neurological feedback loop- there isn’t something causing the pain in say the ankle, but rather an ingrained response that can be treated with anti-anxiety? Meds and therapy (physical and or mental health).

So yeah

1 real thing that is unrecognized
2 the illness of the month-given how much CFS exploded and then disappeared was kind of odd.
3 some kind of pain/symptom imprinting.

Probably will always be a lot of confusion along 2/3. Psychosomatic has become these negative “they’re crazy” term when it reality it just part of continuum as people seek out explanations for how they feel and how they can feel better.

Remember we are biology and chemistry. It is the largest human conceit of all that we are something more.

The more we learn….


another negative test. kinda hoping this isn’t my persistent sinus infection flaring up again, that shit fucked me up bad and spread to my brain last time

i feel horrible

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I purposely got my fourth more then 6 months and two weeks before Thanksgiving so that I can get my fifth shot in me more then two weeks before the start of the holiday season. Not sure how I’ll approach all that this year.

I also “forgot” my CDC card so my fourth shot is on a second card. I think between that and going to a new pharmacy I’d be fine to get #5.

was gonna ask how you already got a fourth. I might do the same

It’s really easy. You lost your vaccine card and you are going into a pharmacy to get your third.