COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

dude it was a horror show. people sniffling and coughing everywhere and trying to hide it but very obviously ill

if i actually dont have it, these vaccines are nuts

Always remember there are a TON of respiratory viruses. So much so that even at the height of a covid surge your’e probably more likely to have something other than covid than covid if you have respiratory symptoms.

I feel like I’ve heard from people, either in person or on Twitter, about testing negative but having a severe cold. Not sure where though. How much of other sickness is going around is obscured by the deniers who insist they don’t have it.

Exactly what I had in March when it wasn’t covid.

In the end, the virus I had in March that wasn’t COVID was worse than the actual COVID I had in early May.

This makes sense if your’e vaccinated/boosted against covid. Flu for example is a really rough thing ot get, especially if you get it in June and your last flu shot was in September.

I didnt get a flu shot rip

That was a leak. Might be worth trying to get to a walk in and getting yourself tested so that maybe you can get tamiflu in time to make a difference? Although it may already be too late for tamiflu depending on when your symptoms started.

yea i dont know why i skipped this year and only just realized it. i always got the flu vaccine in the past.

dayquil’s doin ok with the fever, not too bad

There’s no reason to think the flu was any less present in Vegas than was COVID.

your story sounds like all the flu I’ve been seeing. gl.

This much flu this late in June is abnormal, right?

Yup. Flu, RSV are both in play right now. It’s fucking annoying as fuck. June is usually a pretty slow month, but these viral illnesses are making us work a lot more than usual.

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Couple of questions:

  1. Anyone considering a 5th jab? If so, why? If not, why not?
  2. What’s the projection for when Omicron-specific jabs will be available?

Omicron-specific Moderna boosters are allegedly going to be ready for the fall surge. I plan on getting a 5th jab then.

Have you had COVID? Does that change the decision at all for you?

So with pediatric vaccines available for everyone, the new ‘WHY THE FUCK ISN’T THIS DONE YET?’ is going to be strain specific vaccination.

Moderna appears to be in the lead.

I’ve cooled on a fourth shot. Evidence just isn’t there. Wouldn’t do a fifth.

Anyone with 5-11 kids who got Pfizer boosting them with Moderna instead. If I’ve got my facts straight, I don’t think it is in line with recommendations to do this, so I’m going to have to prevaricate a bit to do it (which I’m OK with).

I guess it’s been 6 months since my booster, so I could get a 4th, but I may not bother until the updated Moderna one.

Would you act differently if you didn’t just get COVID?

how common are false negatives? I got 3 rapid antigen kits and planned on testing monday/tuesday as well