COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I’ve only met one person who I know had had it, a poker player. Probably because my social circle is small.

hang on I’ve only partially been paying attention, is this specifically in the context of the youngest kids or just in general?

I’ve gotten 3x pfizer so far. moderna for booster #2 seems like a no brainer if I can find it?

i did - never formally poz’d but i was damn certain.

i am much sicker this time. really feel like ass

Pfizer for adults is fine. But they opted for a really small dose for young kids. But I’d get a Moderna booster if the option is there. Mixing and matching looked good in limited data.

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Did you test yourself? If you feel really terrible, it might be flu which is going around and hitting hard these days. I haven’t known many 3x vaxxed people to get hit all that hard by covid these days, but I’ve had some friends and family knocked on their asses by flu.

If I can make it home I have a test there. I strongly believe it is covid given that I got like 3 alerts on my phone that I was exposed and I played the crowded wsop for several days.

hope it’s flu but seems pretty likely covid

i was trying to drive home last night but the fever was brutal and I had to stop several times until I finally found a ramada in barstow

i did expect to get it, I did not expect to get this ill.

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The fact that you’re more ill this time, makes me suspect that the last time probably wasn’t COVID, especially if it was never confirmed with a positive test.

Anyone else have COVID twice, yet?

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Rite Aid now live as well, appointments as early as Friday from what I can tell, but like Walgreens also appears to only be Pfizer.

The other factor to consider is if she has already had COVID. If she has, I’d probably be comfortable waiting longer.

Aw, nuts, our appointment at Walgreens is Pfizer only. Guess I’ll have to keep looking.

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Yeah, everything seems to be only pfizer right now. Maybe the Moderna deliveries are slower in coming?

She has not had it as far as we know. Kind of shocking since she’s been going to pre-school for the past year now.

Or just scared corporate types who don’t want to be blamed for side effects. But there also hasn’t been a work day for this, yet, so hopefully things change by the end of Monday.

The Walgreens site says they will offer both for under 5’s so I’m sure it’s coming.

Yeah, I’m hoping that I’ll just be able to change our appointments from Pfizer to Moderna at the same times, but we’ll see.

rapid antigen test showed negative - mystifying. I will test over the next few days. i feel so sick.

In March, I thought I had COVID and was shocked when I tested negative. Turned out that I likely had the flu which has had a bit of a late resurgence due to so much masking during the pandemic.

I’ve heard stories of a nasty non-COVID cold going around the WSOP. Not sure if it’s COVID denial or a real thing.

It’s probably just people not testing and calling it a bad cold.

I have basically every covid symptom except loss of taste/smell. that’s why I was pretty sure I had it around new year - it was extremely obvious something weird was going on with that. I just isolated because tests were hard to find.