COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I found a pharmacy at local grocery store in Washington offering Moderna 6months to 5year olds.

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MrsWookie found some Moderna opportunities thanks to a local mom forum she uses. Nothing that they referred her to was easy or obvious or all that generalizeable to people not from around here, but I guess the lesson is to check non-national-chain pharmacies in your area, as they may have walk-ins or appointments on their websites that aren’t visible through major portals or search sites.

The official government website has been helpful:

There’s some Moderna in PA. Deciding on whether or not to take a 3 hour each way road trip to get the kid vaccinated or wait a few more days and see if it shows up closer.


That is hugely helpful. Thank you!

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Yeah. Expect the whole anti-vax thing to wreak havoc with previously controlled disease.
Idk if there are any reported cases or just detection in sewage.

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Fuuuuccckkk. A polio resurgence is fucking awful, especially when you consider how many really young infants are too young to be fully vaccinated but susceptible to getting it.

Huh? Vaccination starts at two months. Am I missing something? I don’t think this is a situation where they’re ‘not fully vaccinated’ until their 4th in the series at age 4-6.

Yeah, I edited, but still, going to be a scary two months for parents when wild polio is running around.

Edit: I looked it up, 2 doses are only 90 percent effective, 3 doses gets you to 99 percent, 4 doses appears to get you to basically 100. Can’t find data on what one dose gets you but I assume it’s something less than 90.

BBC is also reporting polio, in case anyone is like “lolSun.”

Does anyone know the immigration/travel rate between Britain and Pakistan? Assume it would be higher given the history of British colonization. Pakistan is one of the last reservoirs of Polio.

It’s not the last one anymore


I think staying out of daycare until the first dose is on board should greatly minimize any risk. Fecal-oral route of transmission.

Of course the daycare should demand proof of vax to be there in the first place (for those old enough to run around sticking their fingers in babies mouths).

Would be very surprised if Polio became endemic in Britain.

Agree but their will be patches in the good old USA where they may be enough to cause concern.

I dunno, maybe obviously, I just don’t think we’re there yet.



It’s easy to lose sight of how fast we’re able to crank out mRNA vaccines for these new variants.

On the other hand, we’re still playing catch up to Omicron to an extent, and it’s not like these vaccines have changed substantially. The FDA should make it easier to get them sooner, because the manufacturers could have them available sooner. I’d gladly pay for the cost of each shot and sign up to be in the trial if I were allowed.

Yeah, I got crucified for this take a few weeks ago, but there has got to be a faster way to get these vaccines to market. We are always two steps behind Covid and hundreds of people are dying every day.

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Forget about getting them to market, just developing the vaccine usually takes years. And it’s not as if people are unaware of the urgency of what they’re doing.