COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

That’s some monkey eyeball meme stuff there.

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I need a verdict on whether it’s responsible for me to take my dog to the vet. It would be possible for someone else to do it, but there would be significant disruption and I’m more familiar with her.

  • Symptom onset and first positive test was 6/9.
  • Symptoms resolved by 6/12 except for a lingering cough.
  • I’ve consistently been positive on antigen tests. This morning’s test is very faint, but still positive:


Wear a good mask and take care of the doggo imo.


How sick is the dog? Routine check up? No. Sick dog? Yes

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No, he also said:

Naturally, he had nothing to actually say about the case for vaccinating young kids, because the data presented are clear that the vaccines are safe, and at least Moderna is effective. He brought up a bunch of tangential bullshit about older kids instead.

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This sounds right. One Good Boy life is worse at least 100 humans.

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It’s not really known at what point someone is truly not contagious. It’s hard to measure directly in any given person, and the relationship between proxies like antigen tests and contagiousness may vary from person to person. We did see a study here that showed people likely have a window where they’re non-contagious before being fully negative on an antigen test, so it’s not totally unreasonable to make a necessary excursion, especially to a medical setting where you’d expect they’d be masked and vaxxed, too. Wear an N95/KF94 etc. if you have one, to be as safe as possible.

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Looks like we’re full go for pediatric vaccines. Let me know what y’all’s experiences are with it, I’m about a month short until we can get it done.

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people i know with kids under 5 were super anxious about vax being approved for them, mostly due to kids being exposed to unvaccinated adults in the family/community. to the point where they had to change plans to travel and move. really expensive decisions. this is going to be a huge relief.

although now they are going to be catching more general antivax grief.

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So far, our girls have tested negative, but I don’t know if we’re going to be told we have to hold off for N weeks before they can get the shot if they do come up positive.

I’m basically over my case already, though. No sniffles, almost no cough today. Yay vaccines.


Probably not in USA#1 (how would they know in the US?) but, ya even the older kids get told to hold off and that isn’t because the vaccine’s scare these days

Glad to see you took a test this time - is it three months since the untested ‘poz’ or longer? Are you in full on isolation from the family?

China won’t admit it outright but they are changing policy.

My wife was able to apply to renew her passport last Monday and they are now allowing people outside China to apply for family visas to enter PRC.

Looks like desantis changed his mind

This is apparently imaginary. I thought I remembered that there adults were supposed to wait a bit after covid to get the vaccine, but everything I look at says that as soon as you’re safe to come out of isolation, you can get vaccinated, so we’ll be using the same plan for my girls then.

I’ve definitely heard that too so it’s not all in your head

Haven’t read this paper yet but I will. Would make me change my mind on long Covid if true


It would be great to have this matter settled with some solid science so we can get to the work of helping people.

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How are these spike proteins floating around the bloodstream for twelve months without the immune system noticing?

Haven’t read it, maybe later. If you have, I’ve got a couple of questions.

  1. Are these just the spike proteins themselves? Not attached to anything else? And no other viral proteins (assuming they looked for others)?

  2. Are we talking about vaccinated individuals, unvaccinated individuals, or both?

I’m seeing a theory on Twitter that there is a reservoir in bone marrow and that it gets into the blood from there, but it seems speculative and not from authoritative sources. But maybe there’s an area of the body the immune system can’t clear it out of? And from there it gets into the blood? Then the immune system attacks it, causing long covid symptoms? That seems like a reasonable working theory if it’s scientotically/medically feasible.

But also if spike proteins are circulating in the blood, wouldn’t that cause a positive test result?