COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

As we encourage everyone to get a vaccine, we also need to reopen schools and society to limit the damage of closures and prolonged isolation.

Meh, he doesn’t seem to anti-vax. I think your radar is off after reading more.

Only with antivaxxers

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You know the old joke that ends, “but you fuck one goat!” No, you don’t get to be known as Bob the Bridge Builder because there is at least one goat you left unfucked, Bob. You have to leave them all unfucked.

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I read that as




Let’s see who else thinks 6mo-5yr shouldn’t be vaccinated:

‘We are devastated.’ Doctors angry over DeSantis not ordering COVID vaccines for young kids

On Thursday, DeSantis defended his decision, saying parents who want to vaccinate their children under 5 can do so without the state’s help. The Florida Department of Health has said the risk of vaccination outweighs the benefits for children in this age group.

DeSantis, speaking Thursday at a press conference in the Everglades, said the state doesn’t think the vaccine is “appropriate. So, that’s not where we’re going to be utilizing our resources in that regard.”

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Who is saying 6mo-5yr shouldn’t be vaccinated?

This is the problem with this thread … and this forum … at the moment - stating or implying a poster is saying one thing when it’s as clear as day what they actually said because it’s only a few posts above and most of us can read. I wish you’d all just pack it in - it’s really tedious.

Churchill is no different from DeSantis now is he? ffs.

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The 3yr old - he was talking about his kids - his 3yr old. He’s not saying people shouldn’t vax their kids.

Look you missed something. It happens. There’s no reason to dig in further and be ridiculous.


What did I miss?

Really splitting some hairs there.

Churchill’s explicit opposition to vaccinating under 5s.

You know what really hurts this forum? People entrenching on something they’re clearly wrong about in an attempt to save their ego based on some purely bullshit semantic attempt. You made a mistake. Let it go.



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I disagree. All Church said is that he’s waiting for the UK equivalent of the CDC to recommend the vaccine for under 5 (interesting that quote was cut to exclude that part). I don’t think that’s anywhere close to what DeSantis said/is doing.

I have quite a few friends here that that follow CDC guidelines/recommendations to a T. Personally, I don’t do that, but don’t think it’s wrong or anti-vax to do so.

There are plenty of things that you can legitimately attack church for, but I don’t think him waiting on JCVI recommendation to vaccinate his kid is one.

Churchill didn’t just say that, did he? He’s also approvingly quoting garbage from Makary asserting that the FDA “bypassed experts to put the matter before a Kangaroo court of like-minded loyalists”. Like, that’s exactly the same thing, and hell, the same person Desantis’ DOH bases their shit on.

You really think Churchill is pro-vaccinating children when it was approved by a “Kangaroo court of like-minded loyalists”? GMAFB.

I realize that Churchill doesn’t really believe in his own shit and it’s 90% troll, but don’t polish his turds and tell me it’s coal. Churchill said what he said.

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This is the quote. How is ikes not banned for this performance? No one in this forum gets his leeway. I never knew the guy on 2p2 but i fully understand why people wanted him banned on sight.

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