COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Of course you would.

Edit for clarification:

Your original: Incredible

Your improved version: Very incredible, I’d say.

Your third edit: You win today’s Lack of Awareness Award!

I replied to the second rendition of your stellar post

i’ll regret this i’m sure, but why do you keep repeating the name of the school in bold?

He’s been silenced so he can’t reply for a few days. I’m pretty sure though it’s for a similar reason he choose his new avatar though.

i get that it’s a shot at brits, but i don’t get what the shot is. fwiw it’s the 20th highest ranked school in the world, in case the joke was something in regards to the school itself.

7th in the world by QS rankings

Thank you for paying such close attention to my posts.

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…back on topic.

Seems kind of like a classic p-hacking issue? So many combinations of variant/exposure that surely weird things could easily happen in a small sample size.

It’s really no bother to reply and see it change before your eyes every 10 seconds.

I’m a serial editor too, fwiw

As you can see.

Also, are you satisfied now with the final version of that troll against trolling, or will there be more edits to come?

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You’re also either banned or silenced, aren’t you?

I stopped reading when I saw single digit class sizes.

gotta admit, jal got some dedication, takes some real grit to get in this deep and just keep fukken digging, kudos bro


I suggest you keep reading before the consensus here that this is another ‘shit paper’.

many people are saying exactly that

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It’s because jal put forth the statistical expertise of British academics as unassailable while demeaning that of their American peers.

Anyway, you’re welcome to read the paper and point out anything I’ve said that’s incorrect, even though I realize it’s much more fun to presuppose I’m way off base based on nothing but your own prejudice.

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My issues with your posting on this matters are:

a) the sheer confidence in which you write that this is a ‘study gone awry’, even when not only these are leading experts from a top school and an already published study in the highest journal, but more leading experts from the highest level of academics discuss how important the study is.
You even included a funny jpeg to ridicule the paper.

b) the fact that people who skim through this thread will usually take your word for it and carry on. As evident by the fact that me and you count for 66% of the people who clicked the link.

Now I rather not ‘do my own research’. I just have a healthy skepticism when encountering such confidence.


Aren’t there like a million other threads dedicated to y’all jerking each other off about pointless bullshit that this shit can go in?


For someone so skeptical of confidence, I would think that would extend to scientific publications.

It’s at least odd that they didn’t consider the obvious cases of alpha + omicron and delta + omicron. Maybe they couldn’t find anyone in this tiny cohort, but if we saw the same effect, that the immune reactivity of the sera of an never-infected (but triple vaxxed) person to omicron was indistinguishable from someone who’d had both Wuhan and omicron, and also from someone who’d had both alpha and omicron, and delta and omicron, that would strengthen their conclusion.

At CVS today saw a woman get her second dose (I overheard her tell the pharmacist it was shot #2 when she was told there was a 20% chance she may experience flu-like symptoms and responded that she didn’t get any on shot #1).

I didn’t realize people were still getting their 1st/2nd doses. I thought by now folks would have decided to never get the shot or have had it long ago. Good on her for getting #2 though.

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