COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

And yet academics frequently struggle to do exactly this appropriately.

A lot of degrees and PhDs over there aren’t worth very much.

sure jal

That makes a lot more sense than the adaptive immune system doing the exact opposite of what it’s supposed to do.

Incredible. I couldn’t write a better post showing how dangerous and common statistical naivety is.



Hahahahahhahahaha. Oh wow.


Seems like a biochemist would be better suited to understand this paper than a physicist.

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just an honest person trying to post here

it is pretty incredible that it took mrwookie less than an hour to determine the Science published study has gone awry.
no wonder people are saying it’s the best covid thread on the internet.

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what’s interesting to me is how laypeople think that this kind of stuff doesn’t happen all. the. time.

You can tell a stark difference between people who know what and how things get published from the laypeople.

yes, you do.

I mean, Wook was correct the last time he found a problem with a Science preprint, we’ll see if this gets amended after peer review.

he wasn’t. you guys just repeated it over and over. i took the time to reach both the person you guys quoted and the author of the paper to make sure.

also this paper has already been published in science, so unless you have a time machine, that appears impossible.

and i haven’t read or have the ability to analyze the paper. I’m just astonished by the confidence i wish i had.

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Please don’t bug the authors of these papers to further your trolling antics.

lol. you are a special one mr trolly.

You have anything relevant to the topic or just personal snipes and trolling?

please do not reply to me for trolling and bad faith antics.

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Of course they do! They work for the Imperial College of London.

You win today’s Lack of Awareness Award!

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