COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

What the article says is very different than this statement.

It acknowledges that pain is a complex neural process that has a feedback loop in the brain which is not the same as “in your head”.

Do better please.


I concur that simply saying “it’s all in your head” is counter-productive. Now being told it’s a feedback loop in your neurons, that’s something to talk about.

Drudge siren

Heritagenohate got the Covid with symptoms


Good discussion of why this is misleading:

Key point:

The context missing here is Simpson’s Paradox—“statistical phenomenon where an association between two variables in a population emerges, disappears or reverses when the population is divided into subpopulations.” In other words, if we just slap data on a graph, it looks like one very clear story. However, when we take into account confounders—or other variables that could also explain this phenomenon—it tells another story.

In this case, we need to take into account age. White Americans are far more likely to outlive Black or Hispanic Americans. They live longer for a whole myriad of reasons, like differences in access to care, trauma, stress, etc. This is important because age is the strongest risk factor, by far, for dying of COVID.

If we account for age, we see a very different story. Below is data from a database called CDC WONDER. The 2022 death data is provisional (which means it’s not the official count because death certificates take a long time to process), but it’s the best we have. I pulled all COVID deaths for 2022 and organized by race. Before adjusting for age, White Americans account for 43 per 100,000 deaths in 2022 compared to, for example, Black Americans, who account for 37 per 100,000 deaths. After we adjust for age, the story changes: Whites account for 31 per 100,000 deaths while Blacks account for 40 per 100,000. A complete switch.

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It is the deepest of ironies how often the line about lies going halfway around the world is misattributed.

–Wayne Gretzky

–Michael Scott



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Is this his 1st poz?

Yea as far as I know

And now I’m pozzed too. I suspect the transmission path was wife → son → me, highlighting the role of the unvaccinated in spreading this pandemic. Need to get the public health boffins working on some clever social engineering to encourage more vaccine uptake. Maybe a lottery or some other gimmicky shit.


Interesting point.

Victor I struggled for months with an undiagnosed post-viral myocarditis. I was sent to therapy before I got an echocardiogram that showed my heart was quite dysfunctional. I nearly didn’t graduate high school (I missed too many classes and had to get a special exemption based on my achievements), dropped my first semester of college and lost my chance at playing varsity soccer my freshman year. I’ve never been the same since. I’m extremely sympathetic to these kind of issues.

There are very likely subsets of people in this group that have a measurable functional difference in their physiology. The problem is that so many people are claiming to be in this group because it’s a ‘thing’ right now, which muddies the water to the point where anxiety is the only thing they can really spot as a pattern. It also makes this damn near impossible to study.


One of my coworkers has long COVID. It has completely fucker her up. All sorts of visual stimulation wreck her and completely drain her. She can barely look at screens now. Driving is almost out of the question. It’s even more frustrating for her because there is so little info out there for people like her.


Man, COVID fucking SUCKS. I haven’t been this sick since I was a kid.


I was informed today via a conversation between four players at a poker table that the vaccine is giving us all covid and killing people. In fact, the one overweight 75 year old explained that three(!) of her daughters friend died from the vaccine!! And covid is a chemical illness, not a virus. No virus causes you to lose your taste.

The restraint it takes to not engage these absolute fucking morons is so trying. And its so frustrating that people this ignorant and selfish face zero consequences for their idiocy.


Tbf a non-trivial number of them faced consequences for this particular thing, you just don’t see them because they’re six feet under.


Yea, I almost caveated that exact point in my post. But I want these specific assholes that I have to listen to to face consequences.


Try drinking some Gatorade if you can, helps replace your electrolytes.

I have been at the poker table and heard asholes like that…

Then I focus really hard on breaking down their game and delivering some financial consequences personally.

Same thing online when people were being racist in the chat because they thought I was black because my location said Philly.

I hate losing more than I enjoy winning, and I hate losing to deplorable assholes more than I enjoy breathing. Since they’re usually stupid, it usually works out well.

Oh and when it’s about politics I tell them I’m going to give some of their money to whatever Dem politician they are bitching about, just to tilt them. Maybe tell them you’re going to buy Moderna stock or something!


I loved needling bad regs with stupid shit all the time in my time playing live in chicago

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