COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I’ve been having an awful time finding a time where I can have a couple of days for vaccine side effects for my second booster.

When are we likely to get this new Moderna shot? I may just try to ride it out for now.

There’s lots of reasons. Getting a call wrong on this would cause harm to the entire mRNA concept of vaccination. Also, the current vaccines are working pretty damn well still.

These things take time, although I get the frustration as I’m still waiting for little kiddo approval.

Anecdotally, the 4th shot affected way less than the first 3. I also got it when I was able to have the next two days off, but would have been fine after 24 hours.

Update: The friend is still testing negative on rapid tests, which means as far as I understand she couldn’t have passed COVID along to my wife. Still sweating it a bit just in case these are false negatives or something but so far we seem to be dodging it.


As another anecdote, my 90yo dad had zero side effects from his first three shots but the fourth knocked him on his ass for about 24 hours.

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Hope I don’t jinx anything by posting good news.




That’s exactly what someone would say if they were trying to cover up that Covid vaccines cause monkeypox. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!!


Fewest active COVID cases in the Czech Republic since March 20th, 2020.

Thing is that that stat is a week behind. COVID cases are (very slowly) rising. Guess there was gonna be an irreducible minimum of cases at all times. No surprise if there’s some yo-yoing at this point. Within the EU, only Romania and Poland have fewer new cases than us.

I’m officially COVID positive. Had an assumed poz back when tests were impossible to find but this one is confirmed courtesy of Jen Psaki.

Went out to a large gathering on Friday almost certain it would be a super spreader event, turns out it was, but you know, read the thread title. Light throat ache by Sunday, Tuesday was sore muscles everywhere and a headache, today I’m back down to just a light occasional cough. Overall about on par with my 2nd and 3rd vax reactions. I’m most annoyed that my employer changed their covid policy as of June 1 to treat covid as any other sickness, in other words no free leave and no mandatory isolation periods. I’m taking leave anyway through the weekend cause I’m not a dick but it’s seriously annoying spending significant days off when I’m physically capable of working, I’m just looking out for my coworkers. Plus I’m absolutely balancing those concerns with my own loss of benefits so that courtesy may not extend as long as it should if the collective interest was the priority.

Also pro tip from the internet: mouth swabs are recommended by almost everyone who isn’t like “I can’t recommend that cause we just don’t have the data.” My data showed an obvious false negative with a nose swab, bright red positive with mouth and nose.


IIRC throat swabs simply aren’t as accurate. I don’t think your characterization is right, but it’s been awhile since we went over that.

I saw a tweet where someone had done both a nose swab RAT and a saliva RAT and was negative on the nose one and positive on the saliva. That doesn’t mean nose swab ones aren’t better overall but it seems like testing both areas is prudent if you want max chance of detecting a positive.

Death rates for Covid in the US amongst white Americans now exceeds death rates of every minority group. Even extreme poverty, unequal access to health care, and systemic racism in the health care system are trumped by the extreme fucking stupidity of white people eventually I guess.

Edit: Source:


So what you’re saying is that Covid is a bioweapon targeted at white Americans as part of the Great Replacement. I KNEW IT!


Oh yes. The New Yorker had a nice article on this a while back.

Americans treat health care like the rest of their consumer goods. A lot of their medical care is basically “super sized”, they want fries with their health care just like they want fries with their Big Mac. If you don’t provide it, they’ll complain to the manager (i.e. malpractice lawsuits).

Prescribing a placebo in the US would be unethical and unlawful. I think some doctors effectively prescribe placebos by prescribing bullshit they know won’t do anything to make the patient feel better. (Cough Z-pac when they have a viral infection Cough) But nobody is prescribing sugar pills.

Right. I think a bigger issue is prescribing things like ineffective MRIs because it’ll make the patient feel like they’re getting what they paid for. “The customer is always right” is not a great heuristic in general, but it’s particularly destructive in American health care. There are big problems with US overspending on health care theatre, as described in the NYer article:

Good question. Doctors in the US do effectively prescribe placebos, even if they don’t describe them that way to patients. Some quotes from the article below (which is a bit old, things may have changed since 2008):

Doesn’t that mean better? My test instructions said the false positive rate is 0%, I assume there’s still nothing collected from the mouth that would set it off besides actual covid. And if actual covid is being swabbed from the mouth but not the nose, a positive test result seems correct.

Well… let’s say hypothetically if a positive RAT were to mean you couldn’t fly to the US and go on a month-long holiday…

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