COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

meeting finally over

thank god.

last tidbit - lots of paxlovid available in republican areas

They should rebrand as IvermectinDeluxe for those areas.


Is it as difficult as this when companies look to get approval for kidsā€™ flu shots?


Seems like weā€™re a lock to get this approved before six months for my little one. So close

The huge disparity between estimated and official case counts is likely due to a rise in home testing, which is usually not included in official numbers, and pandemic fatigue or lack of information leading some people not to test at all, even if they have symptoms or exposure to the virus.

There is also a ā€œhuge disincentiveā€ for many people to get tested for Covid, said Lara Jirmanus, a family physician and clinical instructor at Harvard Medical School. Americans have been told the virus is mild and wonā€™t affect their lives, she said, but if they test positive, they need to stay home from work and school.

ā€œItā€™s almost as though weā€™ve created a national ā€˜donā€™t ask, donā€™t tellā€™ Covid policy ā€“ and that is a perfect way to promise that Covid will spread rapidly,ā€ she said ā€“ especially concerning given as much as 60% of Covid transmission happens from people who never have any symptoms.

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I feel like the high rate of asymptomatic but still very contagious cases are why this was eventually gonna reach a let it rip scenario no matter what route we took. Unless every person in the country was given a rapid test before being allowed to enter their work or school every single day or something ridiculously impractical like that, we were doomed for rampant spread.

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Just got shut down trying to get my second booster. Pharmacist told me itā€™s not approved for people under 50, even with pre-existing conditions. (I told her I had asthma so I could get the shot)

I guess that, as of today, you have to be an old to get the second booster? I thought that there were people here <50 that were successful in getting booster #2.

I think you would have to claim (or legitimately have) immunocompromised status rather than having preconditions.

May 19:

In addition, today CDC is strengthening its recommendation that those 12 and older who are immunocompromised and those 50 and older should receive a second booster dose at least 4 months after their first.

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Be careful when posting articles like this Josh - you donā€™t wanna Churchill yourself

Hopefully one of the geniuses on here can tell me whatā€™s wrong with the article. Anecdotally it def seems like cases are up a lot, but the 30x seems dubious to me.

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Yeah, 60x seems more realistic. Guardian is more on the cautious, understated side.


32 here, got my 4th shot a month ago. I think the current guidelines are for immunocompromised but maybe not for other underlying issues? Just try a different pharmacy imo.

Good news re: Pfizer < 5 approval. When can we expect to be able to actually get kids vaccinated?


Itā€™s based on a preprint, so the usual caveats apply. Having said that, itā€™s hardly surprising that official counts are going to miss a whole lot of people who come down with mild symptoms.

I agree weā€™re undercounting by a lot, but their numbers strain credulity, though. 22% of all adults in New York all caught covid in a single 2 week span? Based just on a survey of 1000 people, about half of whom never took a covid test of any kind? Youā€™d also have to assume that the rate of recorded testing has gone down a ton just since the first omicron wave too, or else it would suggest that omicron got literally everyone in NYC.


Youā€™d really need a huge study to come up with a firm number on that. And then, who is to say if NYC is representative of the rest of the US?

Seems like weā€™ve had a lot more cases on Unstuck recently too and a lot of ppl I know who havenā€™t been pozzed yet are getting pozzed recently.

Kinda nervous about going on a flight next month but maybe my recently pozzed antibodies will protect me