COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Seems predictable, but suboptimal.

This seems like a not great policy for a variety of reasons.

COVID = 5 extra paid days off
Influenza = 0 extra paid days off

I get whatever I want for sick days. I think I have 25 or so saved right now. I only get to use them on days I work though. Since I essentially work random days of the week itā€™s better this week to wait a bit.

Also donā€™t think itā€™s Covid right now. Weā€™ll see. I havenā€™t vomited without it being a hangover is a ridiculous amount of time. That was super unpleasant

Well this clears it right up lol.

To add to my family fun my wife has food poisoning, so like it or not Iā€™m driving our kids to school tomorrow.


Knowing that having a negative antigen test is reliable for being transmission negative is useful, even if there is a window where you might test positive but could be safe to be around people. Of course, many people wonā€™t be cautious.

Agree. Most of the people I know, myself included, are testing positive many days after initial infection, so I wish the answer to the question of whether weā€™re contagious wasnā€™t ā€œmaybeā€. But oh well.

This is all definitely frustrating. My wife tested negative for the first time on Sunday and again today, so sheā€™s officially interacting with everyone again. But I donā€™t really have any idea if that decision-making process was overly cautious, not cautious enough, or just right.

Per the NYT article, you were probably overly cautious, but thereā€™s no good way of knowing if you were too cautious or just right without a cell culture setup. So, you were respectful enough of everyone else to wait until you knew you were safe, which I put into ā€œjust right,ā€ even if there might have been some time before then when you werenā€™t a risk to anyone.

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Feeling a lot better today. Weird.


Same thing happened to me yesterday. Also cleared up almost instantly overnight.

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Maybe itā€™s the new echidnapox I was hearing about ;)

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24 hour stomache bug?

Seems fine and standard (for these days anyway). If anything, possibly a bit too cautious as wookie describes.

Currently in a 1 hr lecture on how to handle various medication interactions of paxlovid.

I have not had enough coffee for this.

username checks out


if they take a, do x
if they take b, do y
if they take c, do z

repeat 40 times more

lol meeting is getting spicy.

ED docs are not thrilled with being told to do a med rec on people with 20 meds using a tool to check every one. We donā€™t have time for that nonsense. Response from this poor speaker is very surprised. That is also not going well.

25 minutes leftā€¦

this is an opportunity for an epic tiktook

nothing makes me feel older than tiktok

They just said they were rolling out a program to do IV monoclonal bebtelovimab in the ER. Again surprised that we react negatively to that when weā€™re waiting 3-6 hours to get a bed in the ER.

Feeling a lot better today. Weird.


Why is the chosen onomatopoeia for that sound ā€œtitā€?