COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Yes, I was thinking of Marin and a measles outbreak there a few years ago. Apologies to Berkeley!

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All the right leaning people I know were at least vax hesitant and none of the left or centrist people were.

My wife has one kooky cousin who has always been power lines are doing this, and refined sugar causes autism or whatever and she might have been mistaken for left wing in years prior, but wasnā€™t really political at all, but now sheā€™s latched on to the right wing.

All that said to suggest that maybe some of those aforementioned people were just categorized as ā€œleftā€ because they had crystals and dressed like hippies.

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That type of pseudoscience has definitely shifted from granola girls to Karens.

My motherā€™s friend actually makes a living off of crystal healing and reiki stone bullshit. And her clientele is basically a bunch of Karens.

Listening to the alternate health stuff my motherā€™s gotten into since the pandemic is infuriating. I mean she isnā€™t discarding actual medical treatment for it but sheā€™s blowing a ton of cash on a bunch of bullshit that she refuses to acknowledge is garbage.

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Do you actually know your motherā€™s friendā€™s politics or do you just assume it because of the crystals?

No I know them. Standard deplorable.

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The crystal healing types are mostly apolitical and donā€™t break along lines you might expect. For a hot minute the UFO believers were very excited about Hillary because they thought she was going to launch some big disclosure thing. The same people will back Trump or DeSantis if they think heā€™s going to reveal space alien secrets, they donā€™t have any real affinity to either party.

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A lot of them flirt or associate with Q anon type stuff too. Conspiracy world is weird.

Remember how the Qanon guys are into JFK and JFK Jr? They donā€™t care about party, itā€™s just the Kennedys were an iconic pop-culture symbol for Boomers to latch onto.

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Two of my four colleagues who were with me on that road trip the day before I had symptoms and tested positive are now positive.

From my understanding, it seems like we were all exposed days earlier from other source right? No way to say I gave it to them and it wouldnā€™t be showing up in one day right?

Whole thread is pretty good.

Some wild stuff here, from the absurdity of the policies to what some people do to evade it.

Hilary Aranda, 39, a user-experience designer, had just finished a two-week dance tour in Italy when 12 Americans in her group tested positive. To avoid a positive result and the possible headaches involved, she never took a test, instead canceling her flight home to Los Angeles for a flight to Tijuana, Mexico, with layovers in London and Mexico City. She then crossed the land border into San Diego and drove home. The changes to her itinerary set her back more than $2,000.

ā€œEveryone around me had Covid and I knew with my luck that if I took the test, it would come out positive and I didnā€™t want to risk it,ā€ said Ms. Aranda, who wore a mask on her flights. ā€œLooking back, it was kind of a crazy decision and a big schlep, but I had to get back to my life and kids.ā€

I note that apparently being with her kids was not a top priority while she attended a, ahem, two week dance tour in Italy.



Meh itā€™s a blanket recommendation for everyone based on an average value. Thereā€™s a range.

Iā€™d go by rapid testing. If itā€™s negative, go for it.

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Today is day six for me I guess. First symptoms Monday, sick and positive test Tuesday. Anyway, Iā€™m still coughing up goop and testing positive on the home test, so Iā€™m going to isolate all ten days. Kind of blowing my mind Iā€™ve got four more days in this room, but grateful that my circumstances donā€™t force me out into contact with other people when I might be contagious.


My 20yo has it, so she my wife and I are basically all isolating. (22yo is not at home)

The symptoms are like yours. Like a cold. Our neighbors have it now too. Similar symptoms.


Took a test today and it was the faintest of faint poz lines, like I had to hold my phone flashlight up to it and stare at it at an angle to see any resemblance of a line whatsoever. Assuming that the virus is nearly 100% out of me at this point (Day ~10), probably would test negative tomorrow but Iā€™m thinking the test today is probably all the indication I need.


Hopefully you are feeling better!

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Well Iā€™m sick for the first time in a long time. Vomiting, headache, body aches and runny nose. Could be I finally got got. Had a coworker who shared a space with me poz a few days ago.

Also could be a bazillion other things including flu.

Going to swab tomorrow to max my paid days off from work if Iā€™m pozzed


Are you going to go in with those symptoms even if you test negative? Does your employer treat time off for COVID differently from time off for other illness?

Mine does. We get 5 days free paid time off for Covid.