COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I mean, I would expect an eventual flu test to seek and be granted approval after demonstrating that it works.

I think the problem will be that at-home tests donā€™t work as well as PCR, so the FDA will not want to approve them.

Anyone have a good source on projected deaths weā€™re going to see from this spike in cases? Are we at (or close to) ā€œjust like the fluā€ mortality levels.

Iā€™m ignoring ā€œlong COVIDā€, whatever that may be.

Deaths seems to have flattened out at 400/day or so, despite the rise in cases. Donā€™t think anyone can say what the future will bring.

Thereā€™s lots of dynamics going on. Vaccinations have taken hold and vaccinated people keep on getting their boosters, so theyā€™re less likely to die. And the 1 million people that have already died canā€™t die again.

So whatā€™s that, like ~5x influenza in a normal year?

I think itā€™s impossible to know the numbers right now; so many people getting mild cases that donā€™t get reported.

The northeast already seems to be on the backside of its current wave.

Iā€™m not saying Czech Republic beat covid but Iā€™m more worried about monkeypox at this point.

Pretty sure weā€™ll get another wave starting around August just like last year though.

Surprisingly decent discussion of the variety of defenses the immune system has and how they might hold up against COVIDā€™s ongoing mutations:

Itā€™s the same as what the cdc says

I dunno about the US, but measles was like the front runner of anti-vaxxers in Israel prior to covid. Iā€™m sure they are running it through their newly subscribed members now harder than ever.

(I will say that the majority of hardcore anti-vaxxers in Israel come from many airquotes left wing)

Does the military require vaccines?

This was true for all of America.

The OG anti-vaxxers in America were far-left, granola-eating vegans who got their fix from Natural News. In terms of conspiracies, they were once mocked like flat-earthers. Then COVID came and they gained legitimacy.

I still mock them. Were we supposed to stop doing that?

Robert Kennedy says ā€œhiā€.

I think Berkeley is the California home of the wealthy progressive anti-vax movement. And it is definitely not all hard right, still plenty of lefty anti-vax bozos. My kidā€™s girlfriendā€™s mother is a kooky holistic anti-vaxxer. Sheā€™s really into something called Heart Math.

Thereā€™s always been the crazy religious antivax people too

You might be thinking of Marin?