COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Another X factor is whether people are still rushing out to test stations and get officially recorded they same way they did in the earliest stages of the pandemic. Would imagine these days more people are doing a home test.

Yeah, it seems like a lot of us are getting it, but a lot of us arenā€™t getting, it, too. Like, if this study is to be believed, then another 31.3% of NYC adults have caught the rona since that study finished, and weā€™re basically a lock to finish over 100% by the time this wave dies down again. Thereā€™s no chance itā€™s correct.

Welp, after 2 years of dodging it we have officially pozzedā€¦ while on vacation in Hawaii. We came for a wedding, which was Monday night (entirely outdoors, but with a frustratingly tight dance floor). One friend started feelings symptoms Tuesday and tested positive last night. We got a few symptoms last night, but tough to differentiate between that and general fatigue, and hoped our sniffles were just aftereffects of snorkeling, but nah. Seems very likely we got it from the pozzed friend at the wedding. Not sure where he got it. Weā€™re here until Tuesday but this blows up our weekend island hopping plans. Blah.


Brutal. Sorry for the bad timing!

Hopefully your symptoms arenā€™t too bad, shitty timing though either way :(

Your mistake was admitting that it was your second booster. Just go to a different pharmacy, tell them you lost your vaccine card, and you need to schedule a first booster.

Does this work everywhere? I feel like in NY they look up your details and see all of your doses and if you lose your card they get you a new one with all the past dose info.

I live in NY. It worked for me. Just go to a different pharmacy chain than the one that did the initial shots. They did not look up all the details. The new card they issued me only had the booster dose on it. I did mine as a walk-in. I even gave my insurance and had them send the record to my PCP.

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Without any other research, this tells me the study is probably right. Past results are not a perfect indicator of course.

Thanks all. Aches and chills coming in hot but I think weā€™ll be OK

Iā€™m guessing you can but shit busy pharmacists arenā€™t going to. People are overworked af in retail pharmacy.

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Isolation over and tested negative this morning. Still have a cough. Feels strange to just immediately resume ā€œnormalā€ life but I guess thereā€™s gotta be a line somewhere.


I still have a lingering cough two weeks later. I felt the same way as you when I tested negative.


I had a lingering COVID cough for a month.

Recently had a student come off of his quarantine and back to school still with mild covid symptoms.

Anyway, post-viral cough is pretty common. Wouldnā€™t necessarily consider it covid.

This is me after every single cold I get. I actually donā€™t even start coughing until I am past the worst of it and starting to feel better.

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My former roommate got COVID along with one of her new roommates, and the other people she lives with think sheā€™s weird for staying isolated in her room instead of hanging out with everybody in the living room like the other roommate with COVID. :upside_down_face:


I assume she will be fine going out there once they are all pozzed?

Already one new poz so theyā€™ll probably all be hanging out together by Monday.

Earlier said paxlovid was pretty easy to get. Not anymore. Probably not a good sign.