COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!



Itā€™s a pretty well understood phenomenon in risk management that any crisis that lasts long enough just becomes a routine. Covid is well past that stage. The vaccination rate has stabilized so the new routine is waves of Covid and personal choice, the end.


This is an accurate assessment. We will see if a variant comes along that upsets this equilibrium.

I canā€™t even fathom how significant the death and suffering would have to be to move back toward any significant change in US public health policy.

Millions of cases per day wonā€™t do it I donā€™t think. Would have to maybe be something north of 20k deaths per day? I canā€™t really stretch my imagination that far.

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Probably would take more than that. The country is fully over it and the minority of people who still care and take precautions are now the ā€œothersā€. I picked up food from a restaurant the other day and this sign made me double take. Having to tell people to be kind to ā€œothers who chose to wear a maskā€ as if masking in April of 2022 in public indoor spaces is so utterly bizarre that you should be giving strangers a hard time for it.

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The fatality rate would probably have to be over 5%, maybe over 10%. Given that weā€™re capable of hitting 1M cases a day that could be 50-100K deaths a day to actually scare people.

The caveat is that if itā€™s not killing the vaccinated at those rates, and the majority of unvaxxed think itā€™s all a hoax or whatever, then we could potentially still just let it rip no matter how bad it gets.

A change in demographics so kids are croaking.

This mysterious pediatric hepatitis is weird as shit. Thereā€™s a real controversy of non-idiots about whether or not itā€™s caused by covid. Leading theory is an adenovirus. CDC just published a report with no evidence of adenovirus. Super weird.

Also, flu is back. Enjoy that UP.

COVID is around, no one cares.

In other infectious disease updates, a viral gastroenteritis (vomiting and diarrhea) is making its way through all of NorCal, and likely more areas than that.


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Wonder if COVID affects your math skills lol

Figured Iā€™d be able to go back to work tomorrow because the day you go into quarantine would count as day 1. Apparently, itā€™s more like day 0.

So thatā€™s one more day of quarantine. God I hate it.

My mom just tested positive with flu like symptoms.
2 quick questions: sheā€™s 63, has 2 shots and 1 booster (6 months ago) and takes immunosuppressants for MS, should I be worried? How much longer will she mostly have bad symptoms?


No idea but will be keeping fingers crossed.

Is she going to get the pill?

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Go ahead and worry about your mom, thatā€™s normal and healthy. Her vaccines do help against bad outcomes.

Her doctor should prescribe paxlovid unless thereā€™s some contraindication.


Sounds like something she should see a doctor for. Hoping for the best.

Finally, quarantine has ended for me. Spent more than half of it symptom-free. So it was a bit depressing and boring. Never thought Iā€™d prefer going to work over a good nightā€™s sleep.


Yeah I forgot to mention sheā€™s getting antivirals, stupid thing to leave out


Everyone is different obviously, but three general things I recommend to patients with COVID:

1.) Get a pulse oximeter. If it starts dropping between 92-93% at rest, itā€™s time to go to the ER unless you have COPD or some interstitial lung disease and normal for you us in that range.
2.) 1000mg of Tylenol three times per day helps with fever a lot
3.) Keep up on your fluids even if the last thing you do is feel like eating/drinking


Thanks so much, Iā€™ll forward to her!

The commonWealth householdā€™s ā€œnovidā€ stance is likely about to end. Sounds like my girlfriendā€™s boss is going to force her to unmask within a few weeks and we are not in a financial position to lose the job or push back on it.

Feels like an awful lot of sacrifices over an awful lot of time for nothing. Going to get boosted again before that happens, and hopefully we get lucky with the ~70% protection for the next 10-14 weeks, and hopefully when we catch it after that itā€™s mild with no lasting side effects.

How can a boss force their employee to unmask?

I mean, I know they can do it, but it has to be illegal, no?

What does your girlfriend do?

Of course itā€™s legal to fire her for wearing a mask. At will employment, baby.

PM sent.