COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Vermont COVID hospitalizations now up to over half of what they were at the mid-January peak.

For almost two years, Vermont was doing well with COVID. Now we have the highest rate in the nation and no one cares.

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Meanwhile, cases continue to decline in the Czech Republic and the percentage of hospitalizations involving life support has declined to under 4%, the lowest percentage since the first few days of the pandemic.

Iā€™m pretty much done with covid now. Done coughing. Now I just have some head congestion to deal with.


And you guys are like 81% fully vaxxed too, crazy. Is this just a case where your masking/lockdown period had such good compliance, that as soon as it got lifted it just became full let it rip mode in that other 19% due to them being largely unexposed?

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My guess is that this might a big part of it?

I canā€™t be sure, because that data is either unavailable or they arenā€™t making it easy to find.

Feels like at this point places have either deferred their cases or opted into them, but everyoneā€™s gonna get got sooner or later. After a few rounds of vaxxes for ā€œallā€ and generally better treatments and outcomes combined with everyone being fed up with this garbo, the time for catching covid is now.

Yeah and at this point even if seasonal surges overflow hospitals in perpetuity, weā€™re just going to degrade care and fuck over the poor and if need be the middle class throughout the healthcare system broadly, improve the optics but not the reality of the situation, and/or accept the consequences completely.

ah, that takes me backā€¦ to chapter 8 or 12 months agoā€¦ happy days

The latest breakdown from Vermont had a effectiveness rate of 90.4% against infection, 98.3% against hospitalization, and 99.2% against death on April 14th

Currently 64 people are hospitalized for covid per their case dashboard.

But keep choking that chicken.

Moderna filed for a EUA today for 6 months to 5 years

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Fuck you and your pony, Iā€™m at least including a link

Git R fucking DUNNNNNNNN

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Hey man I was feeding the baby as I was posting. This little sleep regression weā€™re going through is killing me

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I have no idea why other than I just woke up, but this gave me a mental image of a man lactating and feeding a baby. Then I realized you meant from a bottle.

Enjoy it man! That look you get while you are providing food is awesome.

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My energizer bunny tennis friend is poz. Get like crap for a couple of days, feeling pretty good now.

Iā€™ve been trying to time my 4th dose but this scared me. Going next week now.

On that same note, as someone who would qualify for my 4th dose next month, but pozzed just two weeks ago and recovered: Does it make sense to just chill and wait until mid-summer to get it at this point?

what is the deal with 2nd booster/4th dose? Is it just for people over 50?

I forget the exact rules, but prob also for immunocompromised.

Iā€™m none of those and got it anyway. Flame on.

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I know I read someplace that the 4th doseā€™s protection against hospitalization and death is enduring like the other doses, but protection against infection peaks at around 4 weeks and then wanes quickly. So Iā€™m going to get my 4th dose ~5 weeks before our Italy trip. Reasonable plan?

Yeah weā€™re still trying to figure out when/where weā€™re going this summer, but I was thinking of trying to time mine similarly.

Amazing how the US case rate has increased 50% in the past two weeks and basically no one cares.