COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

The study is for post-acute sequelae, so the first 30 days after infection are excluded. They don’t do a breakdown of when complications occurred aside from that.

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Yeah I cast about for a word a bit before going with “non-trivial”. Like its not a massive deal but it’s not nothing either. The hazard ratios are fairly small but they add up over the range of possible conditions.

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EDIT: PCR test confirms it of course.

Tested positive on an antigen test. Awaiting PCR test to confirm results.

Technician said the results for the antigen test came up almost immediately. I assume this means that I have a high viral load. So she started the quarantine today rather than waiting for the PCR results.

I’m honestly shocked. There were two other instances where I felt sicker than this with covid symptoms and didn’t have covid. Truth is that this is the least sick I’ve been while technically still sick.


well boo to covid, glad you’re not feeling too bad


I thought I was experiencing seasonal allergies due to the sudden (and appreciated) change in weather. I have a runny nose and cough once every 15 minutes or so. As close to asymptomatic as one can be. Lucky that I decided to take the precaution to get a test instead of sticking with the allergy theory.

Hmm, I’ve basically had this for 7-10 days. But haven’t thought much of it because I had this on occasion before COVID existed. Might have to try an at-home test

Just gonna fucking suck to tell my students since some of them are graduating this week.

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Boosters are wearing off.

I mean l got mine almost exactly 6 months ago.

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I suppose my wife likely won’t be able to enter HK from the mainland until they allow her to renew her passport but it’s something.

Last minute work trip to Chicago. I’m guessing somewhere in the 50/50 range on the plane.

I’ll take the under, please.

My row 5/6. The outlier? Yup watching Fox News.

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fauci, we’re past the pandemic phase of covid


Fauci is wrong about the pandemic statement too but that’s academic

Zach Lavine of the Chicago Bulls has now pozzed 3 times in the past year as of yesterday. The Bulls are playing an elimination game tonight.

Talk about someone who should always be wearing a mask.

Oh well as long as their health authority says the risk of human-to-human transmission is low…


Conservative twitter is already calling it a fake made up virus, ranting against preventative measures, and calling it another plandemic.

I should add that I don’t think this is worth worrying about, unless they start reporting other cases - and even then, there’s no reason to assume it’ll be significantly worse than other circulating flus. It could be, or it could be no big deal. Apparently a similar strain to/relative of H3N8 circulated in humans in 1963-65 and it doesn’t appear to have been a huge deal.