COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

What does this mean? What is he saying?

Who the fuck knows? Itā€™s almost like blaring character limited half thoughts is a bad way of communicating?

Heā€™s not willing to make a small sacrifice (driving) but not a big one (stock loss?).


Damn thing getting yet still faster. Not sure about claims of better immune avoidance.

My understanding is that thereā€™s no way to know if the current crop of new variantsā€™ growth advantage is due to faster inherent transmissibility or better immune escape.

But they seem to be in the neighborhood of 25% faster growth. A few of them also share a key mutation with Delta, so thatā€™s fun. Start workshopping those super variant thread titles for Q4.


Looks like my wife came back from Vegas with covid according to two positive home tests. Sheā€™s getting a confirming PCR test today.

For those of you that had a spouse or family member in the household get covid, how did you manage? Did you isolate them to a portion or room in your home, or did you throw caution to the wind and just ride it out regardless?

My daughter and I have not shown any symptoms yet.


Fortunately we havenā€™t had the situation, but fwiw my girlfriend and I would have the sick person isolate as best we can, mask up around them, and try to reduce our chances of spreading it. As long as you have an extra room and either a couch, spare bed, or air mattress, it seems worth the trouble.

Weā€™d let the sick person be unmasked in their room, try to have them keep a window cracked if possible depending on weather, and the healthy person would bring them what they need throughout the day as possible - otherwise theyā€™d KN95 up to come out.

Hope the wife recovers quickly and you and your daughter can dodge it!

My daughter and I got it, but my wife didnā€™t. I moved to the guest room and she kept our bedroom. She stuck to the bedroom only going to kitchen to get food (and we all masked anytime she was not in bedroom). She didnā€™t get it, so seemed to work ok.

Yeah we did similar, although my wife nicely let me as the sick one keep our regular bedroom (and possession of the dog, gee thanks). I masked whenever I ventured out, and with windows open, Iā€™d linger for a bit occasionally (like sit at the dining room table by a window and watch TV with the wife while she was wayyyy over on the other side of the room on the couch).

When I had Covid recently I isolated and stayed away from my girlfriend for a few days even after my official 10 day quarantine was over. She didnā€™t catch it.

My wife got it first and I moved to the second bedroom in our appartment and we both used masks but it didnā€™t stop me from getting it. Our friends did the same but in a bigger house and he avoided it. So it is definitely worth trying.

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Oh sorry. It was in response to his perception of Delta having a top-down celebration of mask removal, celebrating on planes and in airports, and lobbying the government for unhealthy standards regarding covid safety

If everyone in your household is up to date on vaccinations, no one has any extenuating immune system concerns, and you can isolate from other people, I think reasonable people can disagree whether in home masking and room to room isolation is more uncomfortable than just accepting what would most likely manifest as a moderate cold. They both suck. Getting it is very unlikely to land vaccinated and boosted people in the hospital. You can likely make your risk to other people zero either way. And while unfortunately, there is no prize for never catching covid, neither is there inherent shame in contracting it (but there is or should be in spreading it).

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Weā€™ve banished my wife to the guest room and are only interacting while masked.

My daughter and I are fully vaxxed. Hopefully the vaccines hold.

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Reasonable people can disagree over whether itā€™s worth avoiding or how much effort itā€™s worth, but I think the number one concern now for vaccinated people at risk of catching covid is long covid in any of its possible forms.

If you have any studies about long covid in vaccinated and boosted people specifically, then please post it.

I donā€™t, nor do we have studies yet showing that the protection is significant vs long covid specifically. I think itā€™s an open question and super complicated.

The fact that we know pre-vaccine that severity of case didnā€™t correlate very strongly with long covid presenting or not is concerning. Iā€™d still bet on vaccines helping a lot if I had to bed, but Iā€™m not super confident in that.

But like if someone in my household had covid thatā€™s the #1 reason Iā€™d want to avoid it, not risk of hospitalization or death.