COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!


They are who we thought they were.

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There’s a big difference between a population that’s only been vaxxed (and shitty Chinese vaxx at that) vs. a population with a hybrid of vaxx and people who have already gotten sick with covid. Having a shitload of people in the latter category seems to create a much stronger and longer lasting blockage to transmission.

It wasn’t worth it how the US got here, but we seem to be in better shape right now than countries like China or Australia that essentially did everything right. Thank you derpers and anti-vaxxers for your service.

People want to celebrate that it’s over. I don’t think that’s an unhealthy impulse. No one wants to live in pandemic conditions forever.

Of course they could be wrong. But I see where they’re coming from.

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Are we? I don’t know what the data in those places says, but we’re on pace for about 535K deaths this year from COVID - and that’s official, not excess deaths.

To put that number in perspective, the WHO estimates that through the end of 2021, 15 million people had died of COVID globally. To maintain that pace, we’d lose about 345K people a year. So in 2022, with every medical advantage at our disposal, we’re waaaaaaaay ahead of the pace for our proportional share of the global annual 2020-2021 death toll, despite the so-called mildness of Omicron.

Or we could think of it like the military budget and run it by decade. 5.35 million dead Americans per decade at this rate.

So are we really in great shape?

Knowing that we were on pace to lose 535K people per year before the air travel mask mandate ruling, I’d love to see a model on how many of those deaths trace back to air travel. It’d be amazing to compare the 9/11 and shoe bomber death tolls and the mitigation efforts there to the COVID death tolls and mitigation efforts on those.

Difference is, based on level one thinking only, mitigating terrorism is good for the economy and mitigating covid is bad for the economy. That’s the whole thing right there. This is USA#1, fuck human life, money talks and dead people fuck off.

Other difference is the percentage of those deaths that are vaccinated is low, but we still aren’t sure about long covid among the vaccinated and I still can’t find a good study.

The hospitals don’t seem to be filling up again yet, which is the only metric I trust 100%.

These seem good, right?

Sure but it lags

Vermont hospitalizations are going up:

Hospitalizations are going up in several states. Cases aren’t going to be as reliable of an indicator now with most testing taking place at home.

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I think we’re still doing better in terms of deaths and serious illness. We have averaged about 40 deaths a day this year, which is a little over 500/day scaled to US population. You’re a bit under that at the moment but have averaged over it this year right? It has been summer here though, so we’ll see what happens in the winter.

For life?

I’ve got to renew mine every 5 yrs I think.

I don’t think I’ve had to pay for precheck, but it’s possible I did. I do pay for global entry.

Why would you have both? Global entry gives you pre-check.

Then when I got GE I never had to pay for PC which I was enrolled in originally as part of the initial trial.

Closing in on a million miles on Delta. It all runs together.

I mean better as far as the transmissibility environment. Because we have a firewall of people who got sick and have good immunity - as opposed to only vaxxed people, who seem to spread it much easier and much sooner after exposure. I don’t think we’re doing better in any other way.

Note: I have read that the hybrid of recovered people + vaxxed is better than pure vaxxed as far as less fertile ground for covid. It’s not just my theory.

Right, this is essentially what my post meant.