COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Moderna has announced that their bivalent booster candidate produces more neutralizing titers against Omicron and all other variants of concern than their original booster, and that this increased level lasts for 6 months. They’re now testing a bivalent booster with even more specific Omicron targeting, they expect phase 2/3 initial results in Q2 and those will inform their fall booster decisions.

Everything they’ve tested so far with bivalent boosters has been well tolerated and in line with side effects from the boosters of the original formula.


That’s great news. I assume bivalent means two antigens effectively?

I would have pulled 1/6 out of my butt. Close enough.

Looks like there’s ample reason for caution:

The study has not yet been reviewed by independent scientists and produced mixed reactions from outside experts.

“This paper is a ‘proof of principle’ that supports the concept of a bivalent mRNA vaccine,” wrote Nathaniel Landau, a microbiologist at New York University, in an email to NPR. But Landau agreed a omicron-specific version would probably be the most useful.

Dr. Jesse Goodman, a former top Food and Drug Administration scientist now at Georgetown University, agreed the results are encouraging. But he also noted the approach needs to be confirmed by additional research.

“Other things could be at play in making the bivalent booster look better,” Goodman wrote in an email to NPR.

John Moore, an immunologist at Weil Cornell Medicine, called the results “unimpressive” in an email to NPR. “What’s here is unlikely to support the rollout of this type of bivalent vaccine — the benefits would not justify the expense and hassle.”

Dr. Celine Gounder, an infectious disease expert at Kaiser Health News, said the company’s announcement “seems misleading” because
it compared the antibodies from just two doses of the original vaccine with a third dose of the new vaccine.

Yeah it’s a 50/50 mixture of the original formula and an updated one for Beta.

Science is fucking fantastic. I saw a blurb yesterday about using mRNA to deliver factors to stimulate heart cell growth after a heart attack.

This would be good news not reason for caution - and they’re already testing that.

I’m not sure what those things might be?

I mean, they didn’t release the actual data, just a statement about it… I don’t think the rollout carries much additional cost versus using the original formula again.

This is false, they compared it to a third shot of the same dose level of the original vaccine formula.

mRNA technology is insane in its potential. It could eventually be used to treat/reverse almost all inflammatory diseases.

Harassment has been a thing for a while, I’m sure the violence will start soon enough.

Have a friend who posted a picture of herself on Facebook today at an airport and wrote, “Mask free, baby!”

Someone replied that they still don’t trust others and to be safe, to which she replied, “be afraid, be afraid, be afraid, Nope!”

She also posted a video “story” of her walking down the aisle of plane and people cheering. She captioned it, “History.”

What’s weird is I don’t she is/was an anti-masker. She’s a Republican, but strongly anti-Trump (she’s socially liberal, fiscally conservative) and IIRC, would sometimes post data/graphs countering anti-vax sentiment. So strange.

EDIT: I just looked back at her posts and she most definitely made pro-mask posts, mocking MAGAs who were anti-mask.

Masks off, literally and figuratively


I’ll be going to a home game tomorrow that popped back up specifically to avoid the new mask mandates in Philly, and I’ll be wearing an N95. Should be a blast!

Give me your best comebacks for the inevitable verbal lashing I’ll take!

“I was stupid and got vaccinated and I’m trying to keep from shedding the vaccine particles to you.”

Might get a free beer out of it.


Guess who’s back?


When I found out that masks were no longer mandatory on public transport, I took off my mask and said nothing.

Turns out that I should have created a video for social media celebrating for that sweet attention rush.

“Sorry, I have mild COVID right now.”


Interesting take from a YouTuber in Shenzen who basically says Shanghai fucked up but the rest of China is doing great and the Zero Covid policies are popular.



She says that the policy was basically really quick triggers for 2 week lockdowns if any cases got into a city/area, and that kept them at Zero Covid and living a pretty normal life with 2-week interruptions here and there. Shanghai decided, nah, fuck that, we’re going to prioritize the economy and not lock down so quickly and oops… it got out of hand FAST. Now they’re stuck in worse lockdowns.

She says basically they see the case numbers in the rest of the world and think we’re crazy and their way is working, other than the Shanghai fuck up - and they’ll probably go back to the old way and it’ll keep working.

they like being told plenty, as long as they are told by their manager

this is pretty close to the bullseye

they see most people they interact with outside of their day job as menial servants. you work at the grocery store? I PAY YOUR SALARY, do not speak to me. Etc.