COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

As others have noted, the play for Democrats was to lean into shaming and ridiculing people who refuse to get vaccinated. Peak Democrat to instead push wildly unpopular shit with nuanced arguments no real people give a fuck about.


Fun anecdote of me embarrassing an anti mask douchebag:

I tap into a table last night and a guy Iā€™ve never seen before (mid 50s, white, rich looking pompous type) says ā€œjust canā€™t quit the mask, huh? Youā€™re really attached to it that much?ā€. He laughs towards his neighbor as if to imply ā€˜get a load of this loserā€™

I reply ā€œnope, I canā€™t. And I donā€™t plan to.ā€

He chuckles ā€œwhat, do you have diabetes or somethingā€

I look him in the eyes and just say ā€œchemotherapyā€.

His face fucking dropped. It was amazing. Like he saw a ghost. The embarrassment was palpable. He then tried to apologize for making a joke and I cut him off with ā€œyouā€™re not the first person to make a dumb comment and you wonā€™t be the last. I stopped caring what people think a long time ago.ā€ I had a pretty big shit eating grin under my mask as I watched him squirm while the rest of the table clearly reacted to his embarrassment.

Like who the fuck makes comments like that to someone they donā€™t know? Hopefully this ended up being a lesson for the guy, but I highly doubt it. Also, the chemotherapy response is only a small white lie. The drugs Iā€™m on for autoimmune issues are classified as chemo but itā€™s not the real nasty cancer chemo. He doesnā€™t need to know that though. Let him think he was making fun of a cancer patient who still shows up for work and has to deal with douchebags like him.


I think the psychology of many establishment Dems is actually rewarded by the irrational demands of the unvaccinated. Above all else, they value their self image as the Reasonable Adults and they absolutely love technocratic rules crafting that balances a bunch of (perhaps real, perhaps imagined) concerns. Having to deal with irrational people and doing so with white papers and thick rules books is going to hit on a bunch of their pleasure receptors in disturbing ways.

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The 74+ million people that voted for Donnie Dumb Dumb.


Like this is one issue where @iron81 is right about social media brain existing, these stupid fucking ā€œdebatesā€ about individual cases on twitter are so stupid in the context of getting slaughtered politically.

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@anon38180840 id say 25% is the high end. What ever fraction is half of the 50+ crowd is probably right.

@Coasterbrad my SIL family is flying in tomorrow. We will be doing museum type stuff Thursday. Thanks for the mask forecast.

One thing on Nate Silver- there is subtle point that travel transmission is more likely the people going from country A to country B and closely associating with people (and transmitting or acquiring the virus) than it is directly on the plane or at the airport.

My big worry is that this signals itā€™s over. Any and all NPIs will be ignored unless/until there are refrigerator trucks full of bodies again. To me itā€™s the psychology of ā€œwe are still in a pandemicā€.



I was part of the original pilot program. Free for me, baby!

I made a brief trip from NH to Northern VA last week to go apartment hunting, and I was really glad the mandate was still in place.

If I had to guess Iā€™d say the museums will be a bit better with mask enforcement if the city mandate is in effect than a casino or sports arena, but thereā€™s also a chance the mandate is lifted by next week anyway after the backlash and lawsuits.

Iā€™ll probably relax my masking after I get the 2nd booster next month, although I might still wear it on the Metro or in stores.

Is it a safe assumption that the vast majority of vaxxed people who still got sick probably caught it while unmasked?

My experience with the airline industry is they are generally ready for the end of the mask mandate. Hard to disagree. You want to mask on a flight, nothing stops you.

ā€œdisgustingā€ is a big word for the folks flying you around

Iā€™d estimate about 70% of my flight this morning is masked, but I probably attribute that to people not being up to speed on the mandate being struck down, vs. 70% actually proactively masking.

Thereā€™s a social aspect to it as well, as long as people see other people masking some of them will go along to get along. Thereā€™s probably still some mix of active maskers vs. other people just doing what most of the people around them are doing. There was a similar dynamic when our local mask mandate got lifting, first time I went to the grocery store around 90% were still masking the next week a little less, the next week a little less, and then it kind of settled in at about 60% to 70% voluntary masking. So if a critical mass of active maskers keeps on keeping on, a fair number of other people will go along with that.

Long story short, probably, but I think a better predictor would be innoculum, the amount of virus you take in at first, which is a function of masking but also the amount of ambient virus and the amount of time you spend around it. But yeah, the number of people who hang out in a hot zone for extended periods of time while masked is small compared with the number of people who are unmasked in public.

Half the country seems to think itā€™s the end of the world.

Thatā€™s about 18%.

They just donā€™t like being told what to do, no matter how small. It infringes on their privilege.