COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

The drug company Moderna plans to formally request authorization for its vaccine for children under six by the end of the month, meaning regulators could conceivably clear it for use by mid-May. But the two-dose vaccine’s ability to prevent symptomatic Covid cases underwhelmed some outside experts, splitting the public health community over whether the FDA should wait for data on a prospective third shot or just authorize the vaccine in an effort to get young children some level of protection.

Further complicating the situation is that the FDA already rebuffed a competing two-shot vaccine regimen for young people from Pfizer, telling the company to test a three-shot regimen instead. Pfizer is now unlikely to officially seek authorization until June.

That leaves the FDA with the prospect of green-lighting Moderna’s vaccine, only to potentially find out several weeks later that Pfizer’s vaccine performs far better.

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Counterpoint: we stopped testing so it just went away!

(Everyone is behaving as such, anyway.)

I just liked the “every season” part.



Still giving this a heart, but didn’t he die a couple months ago?

EDIT: Confirmed died in January. Still funny, just like when I’m reminded that Rush Limbaugh is dead.


For the first time in months I just saw a slight uptick in masking at the grocery store, including an N95.

We went to the Franklin in Philly. Required in the city. Most compliant.

Ok hivemind.

Wife tested positive and has been in isolation.

Daughter tested positive this morning and feels crappy (she’s 9).

I’ve had a scratchy throat and slight cough for a day or two, but I tested negative. I assume I have it, but a mild version or my body is doing better with it.

Should we end isolation and assume we all have it?

Eh I’d say it’s pretty bold to “assume” you have it if you’re testing negative. How’s allergy season where you are? Scratchy throat and slight cough could be like 87 different things.

We were all just in Vegas where the pollen count was really high. We got home on Tuesday, and my scratchy throat started Wednesday morning.

My wife felt ill as soon as we got back. My daughter had a scratchy throat yesterday and tested positive this morning and feels worse.

My scratchy throat has stayed the same, but is negative on a home test. I don’t usually suffer much from allergies.

Personally I’d keep isolating and retest. I don’t think there are mild versions where you don’t test positive.

I guess if isolating is a huge burden, I might do different.

I thought the home tests weren’t particularly sensitive and if you aren’t showing pretty strong symptoms it won’t pick it up?

Did you swab your throat for your home test?

No, I’ll run another and see if that changes things.

My understanding was that the tests have a decent amount of false negatives, but that if you test multiple times over a few days, that should compensate. I could be wrong on this though.

throat came up negative as well.


I’d agree with others - unless the burden is really significant I’d keep trying to isolate.

Tests show the woman was infected with two different variants - Delta in late December and then Omicron in January

This shows that even if you have had Covid before, you can still be infected again even if fully vaccinated, the researchers say

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What are the implications of this?