COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I feel like F72 was being sarcastic or making some comment about selfies in general, but I wouldn’t take worsr than even odds on that

There is definitely an increase in risk that’s worthy of fear regardless of all the other shit that comes along with it when a small fraction of folks voluntarily remove their masks that were almost never worn correctly by those who didn’t want to wear them in the first place in a short time frame in an activity that’s rarely done. But lots of folks just get pleasure out of controlling the fuck out of others instead.

Curious what you mean by this, as I’ve felt a lot of conflicting emotions recently as my family has started to participate in society again. (We went to Universal Studios in Florida recently and, over the next month, I’ll be taking several work trips for the first time in 2 years.)

My family clearly took COVID more seriously than most of the people in our area. And I feel good about that decision. But now that we’re emerging from our bubble, part of me thinks “Have I turned into the person that I used to detest, because I’ve just decided that we’re done with COVID?”. But then another part of me thinks “We can’t stay bunkered down forever - we’re all vaccinated and boosted, and there’s probably never going to be a time where everyone agrees that there’s zero risk.”

Not really a point to this, other than to say everyone probably has a different threshold for when they’re willing to let down their defenses, and I’m pretty sympathetic to basically everyone who’s figuring out where their personal line is.


Huge swaths of the population that managed to not actually become dead from COVID-19 now think that mitigations were obviously silly because ldo they didn’t die.

I don’t even know anyone who died, including a bunch of over-80s who I know.

It’s hard to overcome that emotional bias, and that’s with even bothering to notice it in the first place

I think there is some good healthy emotional value in taking a mini celebration to mark the moment. I also think the folks who don’t want to follow along with masks mandates are often not wearing masks properly enough to warrant disgusted/hatred or personal fear of them not wearing them in certain times.

Getting disgusted at the site of that isn’t good, imo.

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Oh well great can you police my emotions to that as I get ready for my shift tonight? I’d love for you to tell me exactly what is my appropriate emotional response please and thank you

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Zero irony


Are you going to make a point ever or just try to troll everyone until you get mad again?


When did I get mad

Edit: oh, the trans people in sports thread?

If I were to go post by post explaining the point to each of my posts tonight and how I don’t see it as trolling, should I do that ITT or via PM

Well hopefully everyone here will keep their masks handy when the seemingly inevitable nasty variant crops up in second half of the year.

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A few Chiefsplanet posters died and dozens lost close family members. Super unhealthy rural diets plus Trump country. One guy lost 6 family members between him and his wife’s side.

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I’ve been wearing N95s basically all my adult life so I remain stocked up

I completely locked down from live poker (my work) for about 14 of the 24 months from March 2020 to February 2022. I managed to supplement with online poker and election betting and sparse safe private games in 2020, but the Omicron lockdown I went on really got me because I bookended it with a downswing and didn’t bring in any supplemental income.

Basically I shouldn’t have locked down for Omicron, I should have trusted my N95’s. The financial risk and the impact that has on my life, on my health, and on my happiness was way higher than the risk of negative outcomes from Omicron as a fully vaxxed and boosted 35 year old wearing an N95. I chose the wrong risk and I’m now paying for it because I realized the downside portion of the possible outcomes.


I ordered 300 N95’s a month ago, my stockpile is probably ~340 full N95’s and ~50 to 100 KN95’s.

Do I win?

The reason I ordered 300 is that the most comfortable N95’s I’ve worn, which usually run about $2.10 each, were about $1.09 each. They’re a lifesaver in 15 hour poker sessions - most other masks bother me after 3-4 hours, these don’t bother me until about 12 hours in. That’s with zero mask breaks all day other than taking a breath and pulling it down to chug water and immediately replacing it before breathing.

How many of the dead were vaxxed? I’d put the o/u at 0.5.

The rednecks will be locked and loaded looking for your stash when this thing mutates into a zombie virus.

Maybe that’s who marked my garage.

But nah, why would the zombies want my masks? They’re already going to have it/have immunity.

Well I guess we can hope that repeated exposure keeps the antibody levels up for the next variant. I don’t see a lot of folks going in for another booster either.

We got a highly effective vax in under a year, we still killed a million (at least) and no herd immunity to show for it. Oh well Freedumb.