COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Dems Deliver.


Youā€™re still free to wear a mask on planes for as long as you want for whatever reason.

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Oh wow fucking great then

America, where a failed shoe bomber means I have to take my shoes off in the airport but a 9-11 worth of dead people every week isnā€™t enough to wear a mask in enclosed tubes packed with people


This makes perfect sense to half the country. Live poker is never dying.

Yes half the country loves security theater

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Itā€™s for similar reasons why the majority of folks also donā€™t give a shit that half a million die from smoking each year.

Iā€™m not sure what youā€™re saying exactly, but Iā€™m guessing itā€™s not great

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UP Analysis

Heā€™s saying that people who are vaccinated think itā€™s fine to let everyone else do whatever they want, cause itā€™s not their problem anymore - just like non-smokers donā€™t really care in general that smokers die of cancer.

Well thatā€™d be shortsighted, dumb and conveniently forgetting the people who got vaccinated

Yeah, I mean, Iā€™m at the point where I donā€™t care what anyone else does cause Iā€™ll just put on an N95/KN95 when I feel like itā€™s the right call (which is most of the time lately), and I trust those to do a good job and keep my risk low.

I know like somewhere between 1% and 5% of masks will be nearly complete duds, so I should still be angry about other people forcing risks onto me, but for my own mental health I just ignore that part cause I know that at this point there will beā€¦

  • No more lockdowns
  • No more well-enforced mask mandates
  • No more vaccine mandates
  • More variants most likely

I also know I canā€™t lock down again, and I regret my last couple rounds of personal lockdowns and admit that I took COVID safety way too far for my own well-being.

The ugggh was for whipping off the masks and then taking a giant group picture. Come the fuck on

Theyā€™ve been wearing masks for 100% of the hours theyve been at work for years now

Have some empathy

Heā€™s ignoring an obvious point. If thereā€™s a novel variant entering the US via air, it makes a huge difference in the exponential growth curve if additional spread occurs on the airplane.

When weā€™re chugging along with no novel variants and on domestic flights I generally agree.

Heā€™s Nate Silver

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Also re: mask off selfie celebration upon the announcement

What theyā€™re hearing is ā€œthe authorities have announced itā€™s overā€ theyā€™re not thinking ā€œsome incompetent judge made a rulingā€

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Yeah, thatā€™s disgusting.

To them it probably means the pandemic is officially over. They wanted a pic to mark the moment.