COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I know completely pointless nationalist snipes are your thing, but you know Bob and Louis aren’t in the US, right?


Yes, I know Bob (CZ) started feeling bad 10 mins ago and Louis (Germany) probably had covid before feeling symptoms. It might blow your mind but some are positive but never feel symptoms.

And Bob travelled for a PCR - might have been better to isolate if he felt the symptoms were really covid (probably be testing poz on a home test by the time the PCR results are back… if it were covid)

Do you have any actual evidence that UK tests are more reliable than ones in the US or are you just bullshitting once again?

I am not saying they are more accurate. I am saying that if you take them 10 mins after feeling iffy, you might get a false negative. You might feel iffy you may not be contagious. An antigen test is not a PCR. An anitgen test might be (is) better at picking up the point when you become contagious. You might test positive on a PCR months after or days before you are contagious.

These are not new tests. They’ve been around at least 12 months. Know their strengths and weaknesses, is all ‘I’m saying’

That’s clearly what you were insinuating, but good to see you walk back the bullshit instead of tripling down like you usually do.

Guess I don’t post often enough about the Czech Republic


Have you had Covid?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Believe so

0 voters

Answered no but where’s the option for ‘not to the best of my knowledge’ or ‘believe not’? i.e. I hear some peeps are asymptomatic so how would they know?

Have you ever had covid?

  • No but I’ve never had a test
  • No but I’ve only tested since Biden tests were a thing
  • No and I’ve had 50 tests by this point in the pandemic
  • Yes but I never had a test so I guess so
  • Yes confimed by test

0 voters

October 2021, almost 6 months ago (if UK are no more accurate than Biden’s (which they aren’t)), take heed

When the researchers used a new formula for calculating the rapid test’s accuracy, they found LFTs were more than 80% effective at detecting any level of Covid-19 infection and likely to be more than 90% effective at detecting who is most infectious when they use the test.

Lateral flow tests and PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests do different things:

  • LFTs pick up the most infectious people by detecting material from the surface proteins of the virus
  • PCRs detect genetic material of the virus which can be present in the body for several weeks after somebody is actually capable of passing it on

Can’t answer because I’ve had (only) nine negative tests since Apr 2020 (only two were brain-ticklers, fortunately).

I’m at 31 negative PCR tests. Is that a record here?


Think I have it now.

Tylenol makes life a bit easier.

I had one test in 2020 and one rapid test at Christmas…no positives. Unsure where that goes in the pole

Tested negative on PCR. Very weird given my symptoms.

Maybe you just have a normal bug.

I suppose

No pain at all. It’s all through my school. The testing center is a block from where I teach. I walk in, get a test tube, and spit into it until it’s sufficiently filled with saliva. It’s free, super easy, and I get results back in 12-24 hours.

Volume itt giving me COVID is back vibes.

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Hard to say if there’s a new wave coming or if this is just the result of all the COVID precautions being lifted.

How high do COVID fevers typically get? I’m sitting at 101.5F now. Clearly symptoms are still getting worse when untreated but they do respond to OTC meds. Cough is very mild and infrequent regardless of actions.