COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

How is this a conversation we are having in March of 2022? How? We’re two god damn years into this thing and we’re explaining something that my 3 year old niece fully understands and comprehends to a grown adult. JFC.


Can we just refuse to take the whole ‘why do I need to now if I have covid’ schtick seriously?

Anyways, right now I use rapid tests for any visitors because of the baby. I’ll also test myself if I get any sort of symptoms, but I have had any issues yet since baby has been born.

Also still haven’t seen a covid patient in 2 weeks or so.

Not only do I think your number is too low, but also, even that number is radically higher than the death rate for the average respiratory virus. Also, if you happen to get infected with a highly contagious virus, the odds of your own death should not be your only concern.

I didn’t notice Cactus’ assumption of experiencing symptoms there, either in their own question about why they might take a test now or in their reaction to BigOldNit’s explanation.

That’s kind of a given (well that or another reason to think he may have been exposed). I don’t think that anyone recommends testing every time they leave the house if they have no reason to suspect COVID. Bigoldnit is going above and beyond for a couple of specific people.

My point was the fact that he doesn’t happen to know any vulnerable people isn’t that relevant to the decision making process.

You should take whatever reasonable precautions you can to not infect other people with a disease, how is this even debatable? Obv we can debate what “reasonable” means here, but asking why you should care is absurd.

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All you got is snark, which is what someone usually resort’s to when they wanna seem smart but can’t answer a question. Why not just say you don’t know? Or better yet, keep scrolling

Me checking back in on the covid thread after unsubscribing months ago.

Yeah well I’m questioning what’s reasonable

The problem with everyone thinking they’re geniuses dunking on a troll is that they show their ignorance and miss the obvious.

Most people know you can be asymptomatic for up to 14 days, so exactly when is one supposed to test? If I’m feeling fine do I test before attending your party? After I attend? Do I test because I’m meeting Bigoldnit for lunch?

And if I think I might already be sick why do I need a home test? When I actually had covid I got sick, got tested, and quarantined for 14 days

So this is not an unreasonable question to ask. 90% of people ITT think everyone is monitoring covid news 24/7 like they are and we’re just not. I’ve heard about
home test kits but don’t know a single person who’s actually ordered one

Why is anyone responding to Cactus? He’s clearly trolling.


Asked (by you) and answered (by me) upthread, stop trolling with the same material.

The better question is why people haven’t yet blocked him?

Anyway, COVID flight stuff is essentially symbolic now. Flew from Prague to Italy and there was no security there to check any COVID stuff and same applied for the round trip. Wasn’t the case when I flew in January. While most people did keep their masks on during the flight, that’s still not the 100% compliance that existed in the past and nobody was calling them out on it.

I don’t really see a point in doing any of it for countries that aren’t experiencing a growing breakout. I mean the Czech PLF doesn’t even accept my address as valid when I type it in ffs. How the hell are gonna locate me when I just put in some random address in my area?

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You can make a post saying “I am a trolling troll who is here to troll you” and still get dozens of earnest responses. This is partly because many people can’t wrap their head around the idea of a pure troll whose entire identity is a fabrication, but mostly because the troll allows them to have the arguments they want to have and they don’t care how genuine the interaction is.

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I was trying to be polite and not just call you a fucking moron.


Looks like a new wave is coming, at least in Europe.

New variant maybe. Doesn’t look great.

Don’t worry, the New York Times says “It is not yet causing a new surge in the United States, and probably won’t” and they’re hardly ever wrong.

It seems Cactus infected one our ex-presidents.



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